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- Edited -

Louis and I were waiting at the dressing room for the show to start. Our appearance was going to be a surprise for the audience, so I was quite nervous.

And just by watching Louis eating his nails, he was too.

James thought that the best way of doing this was to first announce only me as his guest, and later ask Louis to enter as a surprise.

"We're going to be fine." - Louis said out loud, trying to convince ourselves.

I smiled and finished preparing myself, James was already presenting me on the studio.

"The one and only, Harry Styles!"

I walked to the main couches of the lounge as the audience was clapping and screaming. I waved at them for a while and then they stopped and I took my seat.

"So, Harry. You've been giving people a lot to talk about lately."

"Yes, there had been a rough couple of days."

"I could tell. And you are here to explain all of that to us, really?"

"That was my intention, yes."

"We'll get to that. But first let me ask how Louis is doing? How's he feeling?"

"He's better now, he had two surgeries, and he can barely walk because of his broken leg, but his doctors were great so he's recovering. He just needs some time off."

"I'm pretty sure you're taking good care of him, right?"

"I never get him out of my sight."

"Except tonight."

"Actually no, he's here, in my dressing room."

The people of the audience started screaming again.

"Are you telling me that Louis Tomlinson is in this studio right now?"

"Yes, he wanted to come with me today."

"Let's call him, I want him here as well. Louis! Please, come here! Hello? Louis Tomlinson?"

A curtain behind us opened and Louis was standing there with his crutches and a wide smile on his face.
I stood up and went over there to help him with the little stairs of the lounge, while the whole audience went wild.

"Ladies and gentleman, we have the first interview ever of Larry Stylinson live today!"

James said as we sat in the lounge next to each other.

"How's everyone doing?" - Louis asked and waved at the audience.

He really did love his fans, he was smiling non stop and waving to every single one of them.

"Louis, how are you feeling mate?" - James asked.

"I'm fantastic, better than ever."

"I can imagine, this is a big moment for the two of you. I have some much to ask you, I don't even know where to start. But... Let me clarify something first." - James started talking to the cameras. - "I already knew about them, I was part of their secret, and this is a privilege to me, to be the first to interview them. Now, is there anything you want to say before I start asking questions?"

"I mean." - Louis started. - "I think it's pretty much obvious. Harry and I started dating back in 2010, and haven't stopped since then. Many of you knew about that even without the confirmation, so yes, that's pretty much it."

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