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- Edited -

I luckily made it to the hospital a few minutes before the visitor time ended and successfully avoiding the paps.

I got to the third floor and In the hallway of Louis' room I could see his doctor standing at the door, speaking with a girl. There she was indeed, Eleanor.

"Sorry, but Louis doesn't have visitors allowed. Only family and friends."

"But I'm his girlfriend." - She argued.

"No, you're not. We have a list of people allowed, and your name isn't there."

"Sorry, I explained it wrong. I was asked to come here and take care of him. It's my job to be his girlfriend, his fake girlfriend."

"It's ok, doctor. She can go in." - I interrupted. - "Not for long anyways." - I said looking straight at her.

"Hey Harry."

"Always a pleasure to see you." - I said ironically.

She looked at me with her usual poker face and then she entered the room.

"I hate her." - I said to the doctor and he laughed at my comment - "So, doc. How is Louis? Is he better?"

"Today he presented some signs that made me worry. I thought something had gone wrong with his surgery, so I took an x-ray scan of his chest. Now we're waiting for the pathology report, but nothing is certain. I'll keep you both informed."

"Ok, great. Thank you very much."

He turned around and got into another patient room. I went inside of Louis'.

"Hey..." - I started but stopped on my tracks.

"Lou, I need you to stay still, so I can take a picture of you and post it."

"El, I'm destroyed. You can't take a photo of me like this. I look awful."

"You never look awful." - I said and Louis smiled at me and I got closer to him to give him a kiss. - "maybe you can pretend to be asleep for the photo."


"Yes that'll work." - Eleanor said. - "Harry, can you go over there? You are kind of in the middle of the picture."

"Actually, I have to tell your sister she can leave tonight. Because Eleanor and I are staying."

"Are you sure you don't want to go home? Lottie can stay." - Louis said, doubting.

"You're insane if you think I'm going to leave." - I said and Louis sighed.

"Ok. Whatever, you're going to do whatever you want anyways."

"Exactly. Stay here with her. I'll be right back."

I got out of the room and searched for Louis' family for a while until I found them in the cafeteria. I sat with them at their table.

"So, Eleanor is here." - I said as I dropped myself on the seat.

"Auch." - Daisy said.

"How are you handling it?" - Mark asked.

"I'm ok for now. I just wanted to tell you that me and her are spending the night with Louis, so you're all free to go home and get some sleep."

"Haz, you're sure you don't want me to deal with her?" - Lottie asked me.

"I'm ok. She just bothers me. But I'm fine. I promise."

"You look tired." - Phoebe said.

"I am. But all of this will end up soon."

"And she already posted a photo. Does she never get tired of posting?" - Daisy said and showed the post to all of us.

The photo was Louis sleeping at his bed with a caption that said: 'I finally can see my sweetheart, I'm taking good care of him, don't worry.'

"You're both going to make it through this." - Mark said. - "You always do."

I smiled back at him and nodded slightly.

"They are going to be all over the news soon. I can feel it. This isn't going to last any longer." - Lottie said.

She stood up and gave me a hug. The twins did the same after her.

"Ok, let's go before the visitor time ends." - Mark said. - "Call us if anything happens."

I nodded and waved at them while they were leaving the hospital.
I took some seconds to myself, just to try to remain my tranquility and to think only on Louis' health.

After a while I returned to Louis' room.

"Ok, El, that is your cue to go." - Louis said when he saw me entering the room.

I giggled at him, and Eleanor looked at me with a serious face.

"You can sleep in the corridor. There are some chairs outside." - I pointed at the hallway.


And with that she was gone.

"So you told Lottie to leave?" - Louis asked.

"Yes, I wanted you all for myself tonight." - I smirked at him.

"You know I can barely move, don't you?"

"That doesn't mean that I can't move." - I said seductively.

"For god's sake, Harry, it's a hospital bed. Get your shit together."

"You're so boring." - I pouted.


I lied down next to him and we turned the TV on. It was dark outside and the clock was pointing 9 pm already. A nurse came in and left Louis' healthy dinner on the table.
Of course he didn't want to eat it.

It was about half past nine when the doctor entered.

"We got the pathology report. Unluckily I was right. Louis, you have internal bleeding. I need to operate on you right now. We are going to prepare you for the o.r. It's quite a simple surgery. You have to trust me. But we need to move quickly."

Louis and I were frozen. My heart started pounding. He was going to have surgery again.

"Ok" - He said doubtfully.

I stood up from his bed and let the nurses prepare him. I took his hand and kissed it.

"I'll see you soon, baby."

Louis smiled at me with tired eyes. And with that the doctors took him out of the room.


What do you think it's going to happen?

I can't tell you how much i'm loving this fic so far. I truly can imagine them having that kind of conversations.

And to make this clear, i don't hate Eleanor, i'm just trying to think as Harry. How would anyone react if your boyfirend is dating another girl? How would you react if she can post a photo of your boyfrien while you can't?

I don't hate her, I know she's hired and that's her job.

ok, see you all tomorrow! :)


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