You Said Those Same Words To Me

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"I remember years ago, someone told me I should take caution when it comes to love, I did. And you were strong and I was not, my illusion, my mistake. I was careless, I forgot, I did. And now when all is done, there is nothing to say. You have gone and so effortlessly, you have won, you can go ahead tell them. Tell them all I know now. Shout it from the roof tops, write it on the sky line, all we had is gone now. Tell them I was happy and my heart is broken. All my scars are open. Tell them what I hoped would be impossible."—James Arthur.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Impossible' by James Arthur.

A/N: Pleasee listen the above song! :)



We are now standing in front of the large doors that lead to the lunchroom. I turn to face him, jerking a thumb behind me.

"We are here. That's the—"

He suddenly grips my hand and thrust the doors open, tugging me along with him.

Oh God, did he not hear me?

"Let me go," I demand through gritted teeth, twisting my hand in a bid to set myself free.

"I want you to eat lunch with me." He smiles as he tightens his hold on me and continues his journey to the back table where everyone is seated and having their lunches.

Everyone including Blaze.

I feel my heart skip a beat. I can't face him.

"Look who I found, guys." Kite beams as we come to a stop in front of the group. "Pretty girl Harmony."

I want to disappear. I should have just avoided the snack bar today.

"Harmony!" Yuna grins. "Did you get your stuff? I gave them to April to give to you last night." Her forehead crinkles with worry, and I force a smile, trying not to look in Blaze's direction.

"Yeah...I did, thanks..."

"You two came together. That's odd." April states softly, looking between Kite and me, then for some strange reason she looks over at Blaze.

"Yeah, I found this beauty on the corridors. Is it my lucky day or what?" Kite answers as he pulls a chair out and plops down before dragging one up for me. I sit down hesitantly while his hand doesn't leave mine; in fact, he only strengthens his grip. I try to pull it away subtly, and that only earns him putting our connected palms into his lap.

I steal a small glance at Blaze, and his eyes are fixed on Kite's hand in mine. His jaws are clenched, and he seems remarkably angry. But he is probably just upset because he thinks Kite is going to take away my precious virginity when he was the one who wanted it, right?

"You seem to like Harmony." Tia smiles at her cousin, putting a piece of nugget into her mouth.

James looks over at Blaze, who is reclining back in his bench and tapping his finger against the table quietly, a carton of cherry juice in the opposite hand.

"Of course; she's cute," Kite says before meeting my eyes with a toothy smile.

Blaze rests his drink down and sits up. The action drags my attention as he redeems his phone from his pocket. I am stealthily watching him as he begins to tap away on the device. After a short while, he slips it back into his jeans and continues to eat his lunch.

"I hope everyone enjoyed my party last night." Kite begins. "I was hoping Harmony could have stayed longer, though. I enjoyed that dance we did on the dance floor, pretty girl."

Why must he bring up that awkward and embarrassing predicament?

I swallow and don't say anything. I want to look at Blaze, but I figure it's best not to.


I peer up beneath my lashes to see a curly dark-haired girl sashaying over to where we are seated. She is undoubtedly attractive—broad hips and a fairly nice chest.

I am admiring her until she plops her ass down onto Blaze's lap, snaking her long arms around his neck as she smiles down at him.

My face falls, and I can feel my already broken heart mashing to unidentifiable pieces. I had no idea it could shatter more than it already was.

"Ooooh." Kite grins, perching a fist over his mouth. "Damn Blaze, you get all the girls at Homewood."

I want to reach for my carton and take a drink to avoid crying in front of these people, but my hand is severely shaking, so I let it stay in my lap instead.

Kite's gaze drops to my trembling limbs, and his eyes soften.

"I miss you." Blaze muses as he nuzzles his face into the crook of the girl's neck. She's smiling and acting like a smitten fourteen-year-old, and so she doesn't see when his blue eyes, that I once loved and still loves so much, shifts to me in a side glare.

I am looking at him, and he sees. His lips lift in a slight smirk as he parts them to speak, his eyes still fixed on my green devastated ones. "You smell nice, babe."

And the room begins to close in on me. Thick, warm tears gather in my eyes as my throat burns painfully.

He used to say that to me. Why is he—

I lower my eyes, not wanting to display the moisture glistening in them. I am about to lose control. A gentle squeeze of my hand causes me to look over at Kite, who is slightly smiling.

"Relax." He mouths.

Does he know? What exactly does he know?

"I miss you too." The girl chuckles.

"Even though we spent all night together last night, the minute I woke up, I missed seeing your face. Why? Because it's no fun when you aren't around." Blaze says to her.

Wow. Last night?

After all that happened between us, he spent last night with a girl? And not only that but he said those exact words to me at the party.

This is way too much. How could he-?

The hot liquid escapes and trail down my face, and I quickly wipe it away and grab my lunch. "I...I have to go..."

I get up and rush out of the Cafeteria before I begin to break down in front of everyone.

"Harmony." Kite gestures to get up after me, but April stands from her seat to stop him. "I'm a girl; I will go see what's wrong with her."

While she chases out behind me, Yuna and Tia exchange glances of confusion.

Blaze looks away and sighs, and the girl who is oblivious to her surroundings is trailing her hand through his hair while attempting to kiss his face.

He hisses and shoots her an annoyed look. "Stop, just stop." He takes her hands off and gets up abruptly, almost causing her to fall off his lap.

"Blaze, what did I do?"

He grabs his bag angrily and walks out of the cafeteria.

Kite sighs then gaze over at James, who is rubbing his shaved head awkwardly. "Wow. Too much sauce at this school. I should transfer here, don't you think?"


"Falling out of love is hard; falling for betrayal is worse. Broken trust and broken hearts. I know, I know, and thinking all you need is there, building faith on love and words. Empty promises will wear, I know, I know and now when all is done, there is nothing to say, and if you're done with embarrassing me, on your own you can go ahead tell them." —James Arthur.

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