Melodies & Raindrops

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"So you brought out the best of me. A part of me I've never seen. You took my soul and wiped it clean. Our love was made for movie scenes."—Emma Bale.

Chapter Theme Song: 'All I Want' by Emma Bale.

(A/N: ^please listen the above song at the scene where Harmony sings it in the chapter :).)



The light of dawn seeps into my room, the hot sun scorching my face and forcing me out of slumber. I sit up in bed craggily, promptly noticing that the room is quiet and empty. Drifting sleepy orbs to the nightstand, I realize that a small note sits there. I reach over for it, wiping drool from my mouth with the back of my hand.

Didn't wake you up cause I wasn't sure if you had an early class. I left early, see ya latez :) —April.

Luckily, I don't have literature until nine, or else I would have been tardy for my first lecture.

I laid in bed awake for quite a while last night, my mind revisiting the events that occurred with Blaze. I am still angry at myself for sitting like a stooge and allowing him to 'almost kiss' me. I don't care how red his lips were or how he had chanted some voodoo mantra that somehow clouded my reasoning skills. My mom didn't raise me like this—my dad, definitely, did not raise me like this. He's probably up there, watching me, and feeling so disappointed that I almost succumbed to temptation last night. What would have happened if April had not returned at that moment? I would have had my first kiss taken by a boy who I have only known for a day.

I climb out of bed and head for the bathroom, rubbing my eyes as I try to keep myself from tumbling over. I am feeling extremely tired.

I brush my teeth with half-opened eyes and then get under the shower. The cool water springs me awake instantly and in no time, I am reenergized. Well, it seems Homewood's infamous freezing shower will become handy for mornings like these.

I throw on a light-yellow shirt with a flower-shaped cleavage and a jean shorts jumper. My hair is quite hard to handle, and so to save me the trouble, I fork my fingers through some of the strands and manage to tie it into a messy bun. I'll try to straighten it on the weekend or something.

Sweeping away a few abandoned curls, I grab my backpack from my bed, and my phone dings from the nightstand, reminding me not to leave it behind.

I don't have much use for a cellphone except to call Callum or my mom. I don't have social media apps or whatever other stuff my age-group use their cellphones for. Mine is filled with reading applications and diet calendars my mom had asked me to download some months back.

Fixing my bag onto my back, I unlock the sleek device to see two messages.

How's Homewood so far? I am enjoying Garnets Academy, it's super cool.


I wish I could say the same. I thought.

Honey, you left your packs of sanitary napkins behind. Are you coming to get it?


I sigh and facepalm myself. How on earth could I forget such important things? I slide out of her chat and check my flo calendar app, realizing that my period is scheduled for tomorrow. The drive to my hometown would be tedious, so I decide to grab some from the mall after class. My mom will most likely be disappointed. I can imagine how elated she felt to find an excuse to see me so soon. I wouldn't be surprised if she was the one who snuck it out of my bag intentionally, because I am almost certain I had slipped them in.

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