Part II| Let Her Go

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"For you I'll bleed myself dry."—Coldplay.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Yellow' by Coldplay.



I didn't think I would ever witness the day that my mother, the woman who swore she loves me more than anything in this world, classes me as a whore. She has called me so many names.





But a whore? Never got that one before.

Before now.

"So, this is what you spend your college days doing? Having sex with all the boys at Homewood?! Like a little harlot? A little low-class prostitute?"

"Watch your mouth, ma'am." Blaze inserts. "With all due respect."

"Blaze." Mr. Blake signals for him to stay out of it, his glare hard and rebuking.

Blaze frowns at his father and looks away before Mr. Blake diverts his gaze to my mom. He suspires, and his voice is calm. "Haylee, you're being too harsh on her. She's old enough to date."

My mother shoots her eyes to Mr. Xander, and at this moment she appears unrecognizable. "I will reprimand my own daughter Mr. Blake, it has nothing to do with you nor your son." Then her eyes narrow at him, as if a thought just flashed across her mind, and her finger motions between Blaze and me. "Hold on, you knew this was going on, Blake?"

His expression is culpable as he opens his mouth and closes it.

She takes his guilty reaction as confirmation and continues. "Oh my God, so all along, you knew this, Blake? You knew they were fooling around and you kept it from me? I even left my daughter here thinking I could put my faith in you but all along you were covering up their inappropriate behavior. How could you let me down like this? You knew all along that your son was messing around with my daughter!"

Blaze's face hardens. "I am not messing around with her, your choice of words is very unfitting."

"Blaze, stay out of it." Mr. Xander warns him again. "Haylee, listen. The kids are obviously in love. Just leave them be. They found each other before us and they deserve to be happy..."

My mom doesn't like the sound of that. She turns her face away from Mr. Blake and grasps my wrist so painfully, I wince. "Come, we are leaving right now, Harmony Skye!"

Her hold is firm, and I feel like my wrist might be disintegrated as she pulls me with her toward the door.

Blaze motions around his dad and grips onto my opposite hand, and my mom halts her steps to look at him in disbelief. "What are you doing, young man?"

"Blaze." Mr. Blake sighs. "Let her go."

"Care to tell me where you're taking her?" Blaze challenges, and I bring my face up to look at him. He's so impressive and dazzling right now.

My mother swallows. If there is anything she hates, it's a challenge. "I suggest you let her go."

"Blaze, let her go." Mr. Xander enjoins, but his son is too focused on glaring at my mom to heed his instructions.

"Let my daughter go!" She orders.

"No, you let her go Mrs. Skye, can't you see that you're hurting her?" Blaze continues, and my mom snickers, shaking her head.

"Just because you saw her naked, does not mean you have the right to own her now, kid. She's my daughter, I call the shots."

"Then if you love your daughter, just leave her alone. She deserves to be happy and we are happy together."

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