Two idiots trapped in a maze

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~ Thomas POV ~

"What?" I asked Minho. I then saw Alby knocked out with a bloody head. "What happened to him?

"What does it look like?" Minho said breathlessly. "He got stung."

"What happened to his head?"

"I did what I had to do." Minho said gravely.

~ Maddie POV ~

I stood there by the doors, shocked. The two boys I cared most for (at the moment) were in the maze, and they were stuck there, overnight

Thirty minutes later, I still hadn't moved.

At some point Newt, Fry and Gally all came up to me, worry all over their faces. Which was weird for Gally, I thought he hated me, or at least had a huge dislike for me.

"Come on Maddie, you need to eat." Fry said, he had a plate in his hand with food on it.

"If your going to try and drag me to bed after I eat it won't work. I'll come straight back." I said right after I grabbed the plate.

"We're not going to do that, but we're going to stay here so no guy has the bright idea to come mess with you while your in this state." It surprised me to hear Gally say this, because yeah, he hated my guts.

I looked at Gally. "Why do you care? I thought you hated my guts."

He sighed. "I don't hate your guts, you were just really annoying when you first came up. Your still really annoying, but your brother and best friend are in the maze so." He shrugged, I noticed he had a blanket in his arms.

"Wait, why do you all have blankets?" I asked after I saw all of their blankets, and Fry had two, one of them is probably for me.

"We're all going to stay as extra protection, we're all going to be in a circle around you." Fry said with a smile.

I sighed, I knew I wasn't able to get rid of them, so why not let them stay, I mean, my hammock is really close to Gally and Fry's anyway, so having Fry close and protecting me is nothing new.

That night I fell asleep surrounded by the boys I love and Gally.

~ Thomas POV ~

"Okay. Okay, help me get him up." I spoke quickly after I walked over to Alby.

"We gotta go." Minho shook his head as he stood to leave. "The maze is already changing."

"Hey Minho!" I called out, making Minho turn back and face me. "We can't just leave him here."

"We gotta go." Minho spoke quickly. "We gotta go!"

"Wait what are you talking about?" I asked with a furrowed brow. "We gotta hide him."

"Where?" He asked with wide eyes.

"I don't know." I shrugged as I got to my feet. "Are you telling me there's not a single place we could take him?"

"Listen to me shuck-face, all right." Minho said as he stepped towards me. "Take a look around There's nowhere to go! You don't get it. We're already dead."

"Minho, come on." I said.

Minho sighed. "I'm only doing this because if I let you die, Newt would probably kill me, if I'm not already dead because of either the Maze, or your sister."

Minho and I moved Alby quickly to where Minho knew where a bunch of vines were. It was almost completely dark other then the moon shining up in the sky and the stars twinkling above us. We did our best to keep quiet since the Grievers would have been coming out soon, at least that's what Minho told me.

"We gotta get him up." I told him once we reached the vines.

We tied Alby up with vines and we started pulling on the vine to get him up.

"This isn't going to work." Minho grunted as we backed up to the opposite wall and continued pulling.

After a minute of pulling and Minho telling me we gotta go, we heard a griever screeching and saw it moving down the halls of the maze towards us, though I don't think he saw us yet.

"Minho, stay with me." I spoke, trying to reassure him and keep him with me. "Stay with me, Minho. Just a little more, we're almost there."

"I'm sorry, Greenie." I heard Minho

~ The next day because I need help ~

~ Maddie POV ~

Me and the rest of the Gladers were outside the doors of the maze, waiting and hoping to see Thomas, Minho and Alby.

The doors opened and... no sign of the boys.

"I told you Chuck, they aren't coming back." Newt said in a grave voice.

I sighed knowing he was right. No one survives a night in the maze, I can't believe I was so naive to think that maybe, just maybe boys would come back.

I started to walk away when I heard Zart say; "No way."

I turned as Chuck started yelling yes, and I saw both Minho and Thomas carrying Alby.

"You've seen a griever?" Chuck asked amazed

"He didn't just see it, he killed it." Minho said. I stood there shocked, then something told me to move, so I ran towards the boys and tackled Thomas to the ground.

"You idiot!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face. "You had me s-so s-s-scared! I-i thought you wouldn't e-ever come back!" I yelled between breaths.

"I love you too M." THomas said hugging me back

"Oi! Do I get a hug?" Minho yelled.

I stood up and tackled him two. Then I started hitting his chest. "How dare you scare me like that you Shuckiest Shuck-face in the history of Shuck-faces!!" I yelled.

Minho was trying to dodge my hits. "I-i w-won't d-do it e-ever again! STOP HITTING ME WOMAN!!"

"NO!" I yelled back

"Thomas! Newt! Frypan! Help!" Minho yelled as he kept trying to dodge my attacks.

"This is what you get for scaring me you slinthead!" I yelled.

"Let's get to the meeting before Maddie kills Minho." Newt said as he, Thomas and Fry started pulling me away from Minho.


(I know it's short but I had to get this chapter out, also we're almost there! We'll be able to meet Aris soon! How do you like Minho and Maddie's friendship? And how do you want Thomas and Newt's relationship to progress? Love you all!)

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