Finally, They're Together

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(This is just a filler chapter in between Scorch Trials and Death Cure, you don't have to read it, but a very important thing happens in this that will make sense when I post the start of Death Cure) 

~ Maddie POV ~ 

I was walking around camp when Newt came up to me. 

"Did- did you have a crush on me?" He asked. I stared at him. 

"What?" I asked. He sighed. 

"Have you ever had a crush on me?" He asked again. 

I sighed. "For like, a month." He looked around. "But I don't anymore. I like- I like Aris, and besides, you and my brother are my number one ship, and it's so obvious that you two like each other." 

"How do you know he likes me back?" I groaned and rolled my eyes. 

"How can I not know?" I asked him. "The way you two look at each other, I'm just surprised you haven't gotten together yet. Which, could you do that soon? I made a bet with Teresa on when you would get together which I have already kinda won, you two just need to start dating and I would win." Newt stared at me. 

"You bet on us?!"  

"Is that wrong?" He nodded his head. 

"What's going on? We heard yelling." Me and Newt turned to see Brenda and Thomas standing not too far away from us. I smirked. 

"Oh, nothing. Come on Brenda, let's leave these two alone to talk." I giggled as I pulled Brenda away from the boys. When we turned a corner, I pulled her back and poked my head from behind the wall to look at the boys. 

"What are we doing?" She asked but I shushed her. 

"Come on Tommy, Newt. I got ten bucks riding on you two." I whispered. Brenda stared at me. 

"You bet on them?" She asked me in a whisper. I nodded. 

"With both Teresa a few years ago and Jorge two day ago." Brenda rolled her eyes at me. 

"What are you two looking at?" We turned to see Harriet and Jorge looking at us. 

"Newt and Thomas are telling each other how they feel about each other." I told them. 

"Finally." Jorge said as he came up behind us and started to watch. 

"Five bucks they kiss." Jorge told me. I smirked while the girls rolled their eyes at us. 

~ Thomas POV ~ 

My sister just pulled Brenda away. Me and Newt looked at each other and blushed. 

"So... Maddie... she said that you like me. Is that true?" He asked. I mentally cursed at my sister. 'Damn it Madison.'

"Yeah... yeah, it is." I muttered.

"Well... I like you too." I looked at him to see his cheeks were a little red. 

"So, does that mean, we're together, or something?" Newt nodded. 

"If you want that too." I smiled. 

"Finally!!" Me and Newt turned to see Maddie with a triumphant look on her face. Jorge groaned. 

"You ruined it! They could've kissed!" He yelled. Maddie poked her tongue out at him. 

"You bet on us?!" I yelled. Maddie nodded and shrugged. 

"Now all we need for this to be perfect is if you and Aris get together." Brenda smirked. Maddie blushed and I glared at Brenda. 

"No boys until your 18." Maddie glared at me. "Hey, you know Minho would agree with me." 

"That doesn't mean I have to like it." 

(Is this early? Yes. But do I care? Nope)

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