Minho and Maddie backstory

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(Hi, I decided to give you more of a backstory of Maddie and Minho's friendship. I thought it would be nice to have that and know how important their friendship means to the both of them. It's not going to be too long nor is it going to be too short. Before I start ranting about how RBG past not even a month ago and they already replaced her with someone our stupid president trusts which should've already given off red flags let's start the chapter. I'm sorry this is supposed to be a safe haven away from politics, anyway back to the chapter before I start ranting about something else that's political. Also when I wrote this (A\N) it was past midnight, so sorry I was really tired and I get political when I'm tired. So you see why I was up that late at night was because my little thirteen year-old self had coffee. So that's not good, anyways to the chapter!)

~ Two months before Thomas' arrival. ~

I was in the kitchen with Fry prepping for dinner when I felt this weird pain right under my stomach. It was like someone was squeezing my insides.

"Hey Fry, I'm not feeling too good, I'm going to head to the Med-Jacks." I informed him.

"Okay but be quick we're making dinner in thirty minutes." He tolled me. I nodded.

I was walking to the Med-Jacks when Gally walked up to me.

"Hey Maddie- Woah is that blood?" He was staring at my butt. I turned my head to face my backside and saw on my ass there was indeed blood. I started freaking out.

"Oh my god! How did that get there?" I yelled. I then fell because the pain under my stomach got wross.

"Are you okay?" Gally asked. I shook my head.

"Oh shuck." I heard him mutter.

I was then picked up bridal style. But I didn't see who it was cause the pain was messing with my vision.

"Don't worry we're almost there." I heard Gally say.

What seemed like an eternity we arrived at the Med-Jacks.

"Put her here." I heard Jeff's voice.

After a couple of minutes I heard the door open, and two pairs of foot steps.

"Is she okay?" I heard Minho yell.

"Ummm... well where the blood is coming from we're scared to look so.... could one of you check? She trusts the both of you more then anyone here." I heard Clint ask Minho and Frypan.

"Could both of them do it?" I got out.

"Okay, sure... We'll just... go..." I heard the door open and close with three pairs of feet going out of the room.

"You don't mind if I uhh.... take your pants off of you, do you?" Frypan asked.

I shook my head. "No."

I felt my pants being pulled off of me, it honestly felt weird.

"Oh, that's not right." I heard Fry mutter.

"Maybe it is for the female body..." I heard Minho mutter back.

"I have an idea." Minho said looking at Fry.

"Well what is it?" Frypan looked at him.

"I'm going to ask the creators for help." Minho then left the room.

"Don't worry Maddie you'll be alright." Fry smiled at me.

"Sure, and your a horrible cook." I replied sarcasticly.

Frypan's smile faltered but he kept it up.

~ Minho POV ~

After I left the Med-Jacks I went to the map room to get paper. When I got there Ben was mapping out his part of the maze.

Ben looked up with his gorgeous eyes...

'Stop it Minho!' I scolded myself. 'You need to get paper so you could write a letter to the creators for help, not fantisise over Ben.'

"Hey Minho, what's up?" Ben asked with confusion.

"Oh uhhh... I need paper to send a note to the creators." I replied.

"Why?" He asked me, he crossed his arms.

"Maddie is bleeding out of her vagina." I said.

Ben's eyes widened. "Oh my god, okay." He looked around. "I'll just let you be... tell her I hope she feels better..."

He then left, and I got to writing that letter.

~ Maddie POV ~

The pain was dying down but blood was still flowing out of me none stop. Fry left for a couple of minutes to get a rag to try and slow it down. It worked but blood was still rushing out of my vagina.

"Okay I put the letter into the box an- why is there a rag on her vagina?" Minho asked when he came back.

"I had to put it there! She was gonna bleed out!" Fry yelled.

We heard a knock on the door.

"Can I come in? Is Maddie covered?" Alby asked.

The boys sighed then threw a blanket on top of my opened area.

"Yeah. Yeah you can come in." Minho said.

Alby walked in, and looked at me.

"How are you feeling, Maddie? He asked.

"I'm feeling better, I still have a little pain under my stomach and blood is still pouring out of my vagina, so..." I shrugged.

Alby stared at me. "Okay.... Well we should have someone in here around the clock to- "

"I'll do it." Minho interupted him.

Alby stared at Minho. "Minho you are a runner you can't- "

"I said I'll do it." Minho said again. "I will stay here with Maddie. Even if you say no, I'll stay. Please Alby, she's my sister, I have to take care of her."

My warmed when he said that I'm his sister, I knew that I actually have a brother that's gonna come, I don't know when but he will.

'The picture!' I thought.

"Is the picture of my brother ruined?" I asked.

Fry smiled at me. "No, me and Minho saved it from your vagina's blood."

I smiled. 'Thank god it's not ruined.'

Alby sighed. "Fine, Minho you can stay."

"Thank you Alby." Minho smiled and looked at me.

We then heard more steps and Newt rushed in.

"Hey Maddie you alright?" Newt asked.

Minho looked at me like he was waiting for me to blush or stutter Alby and Fry looked at me like that two.

"Yeah, I'm good." I smiled at Newt. He smiled and nodded.

Minho's mouth looked ready to drop. Frypan and Alby just looked surprised.

All of the boys left, well except for Minho, we stayed up laughing late into the night, before I went to sleep Fry came in and gave me and Minho some food.

Besides the pain that was the best week I could remember.

(A\N)... Again

(Awwwwhhhh Minho and Maddie have a wholesome relationship. I am in love with their friendship, it's a problom. Anyways I hope you liked this chapter I know it's short but what are ya going to do right? Also if I spelled words wrong I'm so sorry, I'm not great at that... Also I would love to know what y'all think of Minho and Maddie's friendship, also I will be doing a Q&A with the characters that have been introduced, so if you have any questions for me or the characters just comment your questions and I will do my best to answer. Love you all so much and if your old enough don't forget to vote!)

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