This just keeps getting better and better

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(Thomas POV)

Newt was telling who had what job but I didn't pay attention. What? I was distracted by something... 

Anyways I only payed attention when he mentioned my sister.

"You see the people your sister is hanging out with?" Newt asked, pointing to a group of boys that's laughing with my sister. "There the runners they try and find a way out of this hell hole. The one who has his arm around Maddie is Minho. Like I said earlier those two are best friends and tell each other everything. I'm also the one who introduced them to each other." Newt smiled when he said that last part and I couldn't help but smile with him.

"So what job does my sister do?" I asked.

Newt laughed. "She cooks with Frypan, he and Maddie are like two peas in a pod. Minho is Maddie's protective older brother type friend and Fry is her cool brother friend."

I again smiled, my sister had friends who took care of her when I couldn't.

Then I was slammed into by someone. Gally

"What do you say, Greenie?" Gally suggested. "Wanna see what your made of?"

"Greenie! Greenie! Greenie!" All of the Gladers chanted, well except for the boy who I think is Minho, Maddie and Newt.

"Okay. Alright." Gally nodded when the cheers and claps died down. "The rules are simple, Greenie. I try to push you out of the circle..... and you try to last more then five seconds."

~ Maddie POV ~

Gally and my brother were fighting, I kinda tuned it out until Gally, being the smartass that he is, decided it would be a good idea to grab my brothers legs and pull him down.

"Gally, what the hell!" I yelled. 

"Thomas," I heard my brother whisper. "Hey, that's my name, Thomas!"

"Thomas!" Alby yelled.

"Good job.... Thomas." Gally shook my brothers hand.

In the corner of my eye I saw Newt have a light smile on his face. I smirked walked up to him and whispered in his ear.

"Thomas and Newt sittin' in a tree~" I sang. Newt jumped a little and blushed, I just kept smirking.

~ Newt POV ~

Okay so she didn't like me. If she did I doubt she would be so teasing, even though I've only known her for a few months I know that if she had a crush on me she probably wouldn't be teasing me.

A loud growling sound was heard not too far from the doors.

"What the hell was that?" Thomas asked, all of us looking in the direction it came from.

"That, my friend, was a Griever." Gally informed him.

"Don't worry Thomas, you're safe here with us. Nothing gets beyond those walls." Maddie put her hand on his arm.

Thomas nodded, he seemed only slightly reassured by that.

"All right guys!" Alby spoke authoritatively. "Let's tuck it in for the night!"


~ The next day ~

~ Maddie POV ~

Me and Fry in the kitchen prepping to make dinner when we heard yelling. 

I looked at him. "What's happening?"

He shrugged and lead me outside where we saw Thomas being chased by Ben.

My eyes widen when Ben tackles Thomas to the ground.

Me and Fry look at each other before running to them.

Newt ran up to them and whammed his shovel to the of Ben's head.

"What are you doing?" Newt him with a furrowed brow.

"Calm down Ben." Gally growled while I walked over to Thomas and helped him get up.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, looking all around his face and arms, checking for injuries.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm good." He replied.

"What the hell happened?" Fry asked Thomas.

"He just attacked me in the woods." Thomas explained. I couldn't believe it, Ben was one of the nicest boys here, why would he just attack Thomas?

"Are you okay?" Newt asked, concern filled his eyes.

Thomas nodded, and smiled a little. I could see Newt blush a little when my brother smiled. If this happened in any other situation I would smirk and make fun of them but considering my brother was just attacked by another Glader I didn't see it fit.

"Calm down Ben." Gally said while Alby walked up to us. Ben was surrounded by all of the guys in the Glade while he was being held on the ground. When he saw Alby, he became worried and fearful.

"No. No." Ben shook his head as Alby studied his face closely.

"Lift his shirt." Alby ordered, pointing to Ben.

"No! No!" Ben shook his head as Jeff went over to him. "No! Please."

They lifted his shirt, revealing a pierced mark near his rib cage along with vine like markings in his veins. I lifted my hand to my mouth.

"He's been stung. In the middle of the day?" Gally voiced what we were all wondering.

My gaze turned to Minho, who looked conflicted. I knew why. Minho really liked Ben, and now that he was stung he couldn't see him after sundown.

"Help me, please." Ben begged Alby with sad eyes. "Please, just help."

"Put him in the pit." Alby said after a few seconds. "Everyone, help. Take him in the pit."

"No!" Ben shouted as the builders went to lift him up. "Please don't do it! Listen to me! Please, stop, please! Help me!"

They took Ben away to the pit while I just stood there, shocked and confused as to what just happened.


I went to go find Minho to make sure he was okay. Other then me, Ben was his closest friend, and other then that Minho's crush, so he must have been feeling sorrow and guilt. Minho was a keeper, he had to go to the banishment.

I saw him leaning against the wall staring at the ground. Looking like he wished he could be anywhere other then there.

I walked up to him and tried my best to smile.

"How are you?" I asked as I grabbed his arm. He looked at me and then he just hugged me.

"I'll be fine." He muttered. "I'll just need time."

I nodded. I knew that was a lie, Minho tolled me that he started to like Ben a little before I came up in the box.

He pulled away from our hug. "We should head back."

I nodded.

We walked back to homestead, joking around, trying to not think of what had happened not even two hours ago.


(I know this chapter wasn't exactly great but I'm working with what I got here, and I know this is a little early and the next couple of chapters are probably also going to be early but that's only because I'm trying to get the story going, but when we get to 'The Scorch Trials' it will be every five to seven days. Have a wonderful day or night or whatever and always remember there are people who will always be there for you. Love you all! <3)

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