Chapter Nine: Issues

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"Paul!" I heard the call of a deep Liverpudlian accent coming from outside the door, waking me from my deep sleep. I groaned, keeping my eyes closed, trying to go back to sleep. Suddenly, I realised I wasn't wearing any clothes, and I felt arms around my stomach from behind. My mind didn't really register who was yelling or what they said, but it was now all loud and clear. It was Richard, yelling for Paul.

"Paul! We have a press conference at 11! It's 10:30 already! I have a clean suit for you to wear, because we haven't been able to get the laundry done!" Richard called through the door.

I felt Paul stir next to me, and I turned towards him.

"Morning, beautiful." he whispered, quickly pecking my lips.

"Good morning." I said back, smiling.

"Paul!" Richard yelled again. He just wasn't going to give up, was he?

"I'll be there in a minute! Calm down!" Paul shouted back at Richard, then turned to me. "You should probably hide somewhere. The bathroom. Ringo will be extremely upset if he sees you in here, and he'll get angry at me." he whispered.

I nodded, slipping out of bed and collecting my clothes before running to the bathroom that was in the bedroom. I quickly got dressed, listening to Paul and Richard talking.

"Here's the suit, what took you so long?" Richard said.

"I'm a heavy sleeper." Paul lied. Everyone knew he was an extremely light sleeper.

*Paul's POV*

"That's a lie." Ringo stated, raising an eyebrow.

"Okay, fine, I was just too lazy to get up." I sighed, knowing he would believe that.

He chuckled a little. "That's more like it.. Anyways, we've got a press conference in half an hour, and we're already late, so hurry up."

"'Kay." I said, starting to slowly shut the door.

Ringo's hand stopped it though. "Have you seem Emma today? I haven't seen her since last night, at the restaurant."

I felt my face flush white. Shit. "N-Nope. Haven't seen her anywhere. W-Why?" I stuttered, chuckling nervously and leaning against the doorframe. I was not good in this kind of situation.

"Just was wondering where she went. We need someone to look after James while we're gone... I wanted to tell her something, too." he replied.

"Oh, o-okay, w-well I haven't s-seen her anywhere." I lied nervously, my adrenaline pumping.

"You sure?" Ringo asked.

"P-Positive." I agreed, hoping he would take that horribly stuttered, nervous mess as an answer.

"Okay." he said, letting me close my door as he walked away.

I sighed heavily, leaning against the door. Thank God he was gone.

I quickly changed into the suit, knocking on the bathroom door as I finished tying my tie.

The door slowly opened, and Emma walked out in her black dress from last night. I looked her up and down. I still couldn't get over how amazing she looked in that dress.

"Okay, so what's the plan?" she asked, snapping me out of my trance.

"Oh, um... I guess just wait until we leave, and when you hear the door shut, wait a couple minutes until you come out, just to be sure." I explained hastily as she handed me my comb.

"Alright." she said, leaning against the doorframe, lightly touching it with her fingers. She was so cute...

I sighed quietly, handing her back the comb and kissing her cheek. I sped out the door, hoping that my appearance would suffice for now.

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