Chapter Three: I Want To Tell You

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I woke up to the feeling of a hand moving from my stomach to my thigh, and another hand on my breast. My head was throbbing and I felt like someone just hit me on the head with a hammer. I felt cold, and realised something. I was naked, in the backseat of a car, with a small blanket on me and whoever I was with, and the blanket only went from my mid-thigh to my underarm. My mind suddenly flooded with memories as I remembered last night. I turned over, seeing Paul's oh-so-adorable sleeping face. My eyes widened. I had just slept with Paul. Who I had just reunited with the day before, after two years away from each other.

I shook Paul's shoulder until he woke up. He rubbed his eyes, looking at me.

"Where are we?" he asked sleepily, then sat up and looked around. "Oh... Oh my god, did we...?" he asked, looking down at me, his eyes widening.

I nodded. "We did." I said, holding the blanket to my chest as I sat up too. Our clothes were in piles on the floor. I picked up mine.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't look, Paul." I said, throwing the blanket off of me and starting to get dressed. Not like it mattered if he looked or not. "Hey Paul, can you zip this up for me?" I asked, facing my back towards him. He zipped up my dress quickly as I pulled my hair out of the way.

"There you go." he said, starting to put his clothes on.

"Thanks." I said.

"No problem." he replied, finishing getting dressed and getting into the front seat. I got out and got into the passenger seat.

He started the car.

"So, um, about last night..." I said nervously.

"Please don't tell Richard." Paul said.

"Deal. But why?" I asked.

"I'd be dead meat." Paul explained.

"Oh." I said. "Wait, Paul...?" I said worriedly and nervously.

"Yeah?" Paul asked.

"Paul. Did we use protection?" I asked him.

His face went pale and he pulled the car over suddenly. "I-I don't know."

"I honestly don't remember that much." I said.

"Neither do I." he replied.

"Okay, what do you remember? I remember I kissed you. Then it's fuzzy, and then we were kissing outside, and it was raining. Then I remember parts of us... Y'know... And then you telling me you loved me right before I fell asleep." I said.

"I remember me carrying you from the bar outside to the car. And then us taking each others clothes off, and then small parts of us... Yeah... and I remember wrapping my arms around you before falling asleep." he said.

"So, no idea of using protection, at all?" I asked.

"Nope. Nothing." he said, turning to face me.

I hugged him, starting to get scared. What if I was going to have his child? Man, I was good at getting myself into bad situations.

Paul hugged me back, stroking my hair calmingly. "Shh... It'll be okay." he said.

"I am never getting drunk again." I said quietly.

"Why?" Paul asked.

"Remember last time I got drunk?You were there Paul, remember at Richard's house, two years ago? When we were playing drunk truth or dare? I got pregnant that night." I explained.

"Oh. Wait, that's when you got pregnant?" he asked.

"How did you know I was pregnant?" I asked, pulling away from him.

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