Chapter Eleven a: And I Love Her

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My eyes fluttered open as I awoke from a deep sleep. I jumped a little, noticing I wasn't in my room in the flat, but then remembered I was in the Bahamas. With Paul. Oh beautiful Paul... I turned to face him, seeing his sleeping face looking adorable as always.

A couple minutes later he started to blink, and he looked down at me with those amazing half-closed hazel eyes. He held me closer to his chest, stroking my hair softly.

"'Morning, sweetheart." he whispered, kissing my forehead.

"Good morning Paulie." I smiled up at him.

He chuckled, the corners of his eyes wrinkling as he smiled.

"So what shall we do today?" I asked, sense we had two weeks to ourselves.

"Want to go to the lake?" he suggested.

"Sure." I kissed his nose, stretching and getting out of bed as he let go of me...

We both took showers and got dressed, him in jeans and a black t-shirt, and me in tight black shorts and one of his white t-shirts, just because it smelled good. We were wearing our swim-suits under our clothes, sense we were probably going to go swimming. We decided to go barefoot, and Paul forced me to put on sunscreen with him, because his skin was sensitive and he was afraid mine might be too. Even though I told him several times that I wasn't sensitive to sunlight.

"Paul. I'm not sensitive to the sun." I stated again as he gently massaged the sunblock into my legs, already having done my arms and face.

"And? We're not taking any chances." he said, moving his hands up to my knees and the small bit of my thighs that was showing below my shorts. I loved how sweet he was. He was wonderful. "Plus, I just want to rub your body..." he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows and looking up at me.

"Paul!" I giggled, playfully slapping his shoulder.

He chuckled. "I'm only joking, love." he said as he stood up, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me super close to him. "Maybe." he whispered in my ear.

I laughed as he let go of me, grabbing my hand and sliding open the glass door to the dining room. We walked out into the midday sun, both now lathered in sunblock.

Paul wrapped his arm around my waist as we made our way down the dirt path and towards what I'm pretty sure was the lake. I was right.

Our feet sank into the warm sand of the shore, and I looked over at Paul, smiling at him.

"Want to swim for a while?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yes!" I exclaimed excitedly, running out into the calm, clear lake water.

Paul chuckled, taking a minute to roll up his pant legs before running out with me. We only went up to our thighs though, sense that's all our clothes would allow.

"Don't we have this lake all to ourselves?" I asked, running my fingers in the water.

"Yeah." Paul replied, kissing my forehead.

I smirked a little, an evil grin spreading across my face.

I walked back over to the shore with him, letting our legs dry off in the sun. He smiled at me, kissing me cheek. I stuck my fingers in the belt loops of Paul's jeans, tugging them down to his ankles. He looked down at his pants then up at me repeatedly, shocked. He then just finished taking them off, and he took his shirt off too. He waded out into the water in his tight swimming shorts, then turned around, waiting for me. Wow, he looked good in those shorts... I quickly took off my shirt and shorts, revealing my bikini, and rushed out into the cool water with him. We were only about up to our stomachs where he had stopped, and I smiled up at him.

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