Chapter Eleven b: And I Love Her

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The next day went by quickly and quietly, for the most part. Paul and I took the day to truly relax, and after spending the morning on the beach: playing in the sand together, making sand castles, chasing each other and making sand angels, we showered together, and I put on a blouse and shorts, settling into the couch with a nice book and a soft instrumental record in the player. I didn't know where Paul had run off to, but I had assumed he was in another room watching the television or writing or something of the sort. I was very, very wrong though.

Around four, I walked into the kitchen to grab something to drink, and noticed a notecard with my name on it placed on the counter next to an open bottle of Coca-Cola and a freshly-made veggie sandwich. I smiled and picked up the notecard to check if there was anything written on the inside, and it read:

Prepare for a surprise at 5. Don't worry, it's a nice one.
Love, Paul. xoxo

I giggled softly and slipped the card into the back pocket of my shorts, a little nervous for what Paul had in store for me at five. After picking up the Coca-Cola and the sandwich, I returned to the couch, where I listened to a Buddy Holly record as I ate. I had just enough time to eat, wash the dishes, and come back into the living room before Paul rushed in through the double-doors that led to outside, dressed in a perfect black tuxedo with his hair impeccably combed. I nearly swooned. He was so perfect.

*Richard's POV*

The last few days had been agony. Not only was Emma with Paul, but I couldn't even see her in order to admire her from afar since she was in the Bahamas and I was stuck here.

I couldn't help but blame myself for what was happening. I had to get her back. I wouldn't be able to live like this, without her by my side. I couldn't just sit back and watch her and Paul build a life together with James. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. I needed to talk to her.

I got up from my seat on the couch and went to my room, walking over to the phone on my nightstand, and began dialing the number of their rental house.

*Emma's POV*

Paul slowly sauntered over to me, taking my hand and planting a soft kiss on the back of it.

"What's happening?" I asked, a grin tugging at my lips.

"Your surprise." He chuckled in response as if it were obvious, leading me outside. Just as we were shutting the door, the phone began ringing. I looked through the glass of the door, staring at the phone, clearly wanting to answer it as I was worried it was something important.

Paul was still attempting to drag me along though. "Come onnnnn, we're on vacaaaaation." He whined, letting go of his sultry and romantic facade so that he could sound like a pouting child.

I stuck there for a moment, glancing between him and the phone, before clicking the door shut and following after him in the sand. "You're right. Can I at least have a hint of what the surprise is?"

I saw Paul's expression change back to the handsome and sexy one, and he shook his head slowly, walking me over to the Kayak. He helped me into it and took his seat behind me, and I heard the friction of the fabric of his tie as he took it off to tie it around my eyes, blinding me. "Really? No hint? Even with this?" I questioned.

"Not a single one, my love." He answered, and I could hear the grin in his voice as he began to row us away from shore.

*Richard's POV*

No answer. Of course. I didn't even want to know what she was doing with Paul at this very moment. I don't know why I even tried.

I slammed the phone onto the receiver in frustration, taking a seat on the edge of my bed. There was a knock at the door a couple of seconds later. Since it could only be one of the boys, I glanced behind me at the door before calling, "Come in."

It was John. He came in and shut the door behind him. "You're being quite loud. Are you alright?"

I rolled my eyes and flopped backwards onto the bed, looking at his now-upside-down figure. "Why would I be alright after everything that's happened?"

John shook his head. "I doubted you would be, is there anything I can do?"

I sighed quietly. "No... I just need to get over her..."

"It's gonna take some time, Ringo. Be patient. You never know, she might come around." He tried to comfort me, coming over to sit next to me on the bed.

"Oh come on, John, they were going at it like rabbits before they left, god knows what they're doing now. She's his now. And she clearly isn't just a fling to Paul." I explained.

"Give it some time." He said as I sat up, and he placed his hand on my shoulder. "You two really had something special, and it's hard to let go of that."

"Yeah, I guess... I just..." I trailed off, staring at the carpet between my shoes. I rubbed my face with my hands and then returned my gaze to the floor. "I still love her so much..."

John patted my shoulder and stood up. "I'll talk to you later. We're gonna go over the tour planning with Brian in an hour or two." He informed me before exiting the room.

I nodded in response and laid on the bed once again, trying to rid my thoughts of Paul and Emma together.

*Emma's POV*

I heard the sound of the kayak scraping the rocks as I felt us grinding to a halt, and Paul got out from behind me. I almost fell back, but managed to grab onto the sides of the kayak somehow even in my blindfolded state.

I heard Paul laugh quietly. "Alright there, love?" He asked, and soon his hand was enveloping mine as he helped me stand. He took my other hand and assisted me in climbing out of the kayak and onto the shore.

"I'm alright, can I have this blindfold off now?" I inquired, looking up to where I thought his face would be.

There was a pause, my hands still in his as we just stood there for a moment, before he suddenly spoke. "Yes, in just a moment." He replied as he slowly began leading me further inland. "Don't worry, I won't let you trip."

I followed him until he gently placed one of his hands on my shoulder, keeping my other hand in his. "Okay, I need you to keep your eyes closed for me." He said softly, and I felt his lips lightly touching my forehead before he released my hand and shoulder, shifting behind me in the sand and untying the blindfold.

I kept my eyes held tightly shut even as the blindfold was removed, and I heard Paul re-tying his tie behind me. Then, he was in front of me, and I was listening to his feet in the sand as he positioned himself. I still had no idea what was going on, but whatever it was, I was getting more and more nervous by the second, butterflies erupting in my stomach as the time passed.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now." Paul said softly, and as I opened my eyes, I saw the sun setting into the ocean, oranges and reds and purples exploding in the sky, interrupted by the deep blue waves and several trees. I slowly looked down to see Paul, down on one knee, holding up a small velvet box.

My eyes widened in shock and my heart began to race as I saw him open up the box to reveal a gorgeous and elegant diamond ring.

"Will you, Emma, do me the great, great honor, of marrying me?" He asked, his hazel eyes glowing beautifully in the light.

I was speechless.

*Paul's POV*

I had given up on the song, and waiting until after the tour. That was far too long to wait to marry Emma, and I knew that this was what I wanted to do. This felt right.

Even without the song, I had the sunset, the ring, the suit, and I had prepared a celebratory picnic basket complete with champagne and fruit slices and cheese and crackers. This was the perfect moment.

*Emma's POV*

It took me a few seconds to take in the beauty of it all, the beauty of the moment: the sunset, the ocean, the ring, Paul. I gazed down at him, absorbed the love in his eyes, and opened my mouth to answer his wonderful question...

|| A/N: So, just not gonna comment on my almost four year absence... Here's the next part of that chapter! Enjoy?

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