Chapter Five: I Will

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"Yes. I have changed my mind." I said finally, smiling at him. How could I ever give up such a precious thing like him? He was perfect.

Richard's eyes lit up and a huge grin appeared on his face. "Really?" he asked, leaning his guitar against the wall of my house.

I hugged him, "Yes." I whispered.

I felt his arms wrap around me, making me smile more as tears started making their way down my face.

"I love you." he whispered, and I felt him running his hand through my still wet hair.

"I love you, too. I'm so sorry for not saying yes in the first place." I admitted.

"Don't be. I'm sorry for leaving. I know I shouldn't have done it. Brian had to hunt me down in the middle of the night and drag me back to the hotel before I could catch a plane here. Almost once a week. He ended up locking my door of my bedroom from the outside, but I went through the window. Then he just handcuffed my wrist to the bed-frame and had John sleep on a bed in the same room as me." he said, making me giggle. My heart fluttered, he had really done all that just to try to get back to me?

I held him tighter, never wanting to let go. He rested his chin on the top of my head, and I let my grip loosen. We stood there for a couple minutes in the moonlight, silence filling the air. I took in his familiar smell, which sounds weird, but it's not. You'd understand if you knew how good he smelled. Like peppermint, cinnamon, and smoke.

I looked up at him, smiling. He looked down at me, leaning forward. Our lips met, and I felt our lips moving in perfect harmony. It was a soft, slow, and gentle kiss, making it more romantic. I'm pretty sure the only not romantic thing about this moment was the fact that I was in a bathrobe.

After a couple moments of kissing, I pulled away, smiling at him as the feel of his lips lingered on mine. He smiled back at me, kissing me again. We kissed again, and again, and again, and again...

After a while we were both breathing unevenly, and he started to trail kisses down my neck, making me moan. I felt his hand gently place itself on the tie that was keeping my bathrobe on, and I pulled away.

"You can stay the night, but we aren't doing that." I said, giggling a little as he picked up his guitar with a smile. I led him inside and he set the guitar down gently in one of my chairs, telling it to stay, as if it were a dog.

I giggled again and got some cokes out of my fridge, handing one to him.

"So." he said.

"I'm scared, Richard." I said suddenly.

"Why?" he asked, sitting in my other chair and opening his arms. I climbed into his lap, resting my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Because I'm afraid that I'm pregnant." I said into his neck.

"I'm sorry to say that you might be, knowing Paul, but there's hope." he sighed.

"Are any stores still open?" I asked.

"I don't think so. You want to get a test?" he asked, practically reading my mind.

I nodded silently. "Can we get one tomorrow?"

"Yes. But I thought you had work." he said.

"This week's the only week where I get another day off. Every month, each one of us four girls gets another day off. And tomorrow's that day for me." I said.

"Oh. Okay. Want to go to sleep and try to forget about it?" he asked.

"Sure." I said, getting up off his lap and going into my bedroom to change. I changed into a tank-top and underwear, because it was April now, so it was hot-ish. I opened the door and let Richard into the bedroom as well, and he stripped down into just his boxers. He got into the bed and I laid down next to him, crawling under the covers and cuddling up into him. He wrapped his arms around me, kissing the top of my head. I buried my face in his bare chest, closing my eyes, soon drifting off into a deep sleep...

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