Chapter Two: Hold Me Tight

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I woke up the next morning on the floor. I sat up, turning to see Nicole asleep on the couch next the me and the telly still on. I smiled, turning off the TV and waking up Nicole. Her brown eyes opened and she smiled at me.

"Hey." I said, getting up to make some breakfast, since we both had to go to work.

"G'Mornin'" Nicole replied sleepily, falling off of the couch.

I shook my head and laughed, making us some eggs and bacon. Well, I ate the bacon, since Nicole was a vegetarian. We sat in silence, eating our breakfast. Not awkward silence or anything, just peaceful silence.

I finished eating and went to get ready for work, telling Nicole to just get ready over at my place and then we could stop at her house to get her apron, since I didn't have an extra. We got ready, drove Nicole's car to her house and got her apron, then went to work...

That day of work had been going pretty well. I had line one and I wasn't getting much business, Mary in line four was getting the most. I finished packing the bag for what I thought was my last customer until I took a break, but another familiar and unexpected face showed up. Paul. My heart beat raised just a little, from happiness. I left from behind the counter and hugged him.

"Hey, Emma!" he exclaimed, pulling me into a warm hug.

"Paul! I missed you!" I said. I wasn't mad at Paul like I was with Richard, because Paul wasn't my boyfriend, he was my friend. He didn't need to tell me he was leaving. But with Richard, being my boyfriend and all, it was different.

"Oh. My. God. Is that Paul McCartney?" I heard Heidi ask as I pulled away from his hug.

"The one and only." Paul said egotistically.

Heidi's jaw dropped, Mary slapped a hand to her mouth, and Nicole's eyes widened.

"What's the big deal?" I asked, glancing to Paul.

"'What's the big deal?'? Have you seen the world today?! The whole entire world is captured by the magic of The Beatles!" Mary practically yelled at me.

"And Paul is just so charming." Heidi said, sighing as she stared at Paul.

"I am quite charming, aren't I?" Paul said with a smirk, winking at the girls.

Nicole literally fainted, and Mary collapsed into the counter.

"Wow." I said.

Paul chuckled at me. "And so what's your opinion of me band?" he asked me.

"You guys are good, but I didn't think you were that popular." I said.

"Oh we're quite popular." Paul said, as Heidi attended to Mary and Nicole.

"I can see. I also think that you've got a selfish, good-for-nothing, lying pig in your band." I said.

He sighed. "You do have a point. Ringo was pretty harsh."

I laughed sarcastically. "Yeah. No kidding."

"Are you going to forgive him?" Paul asked me.

"Definitely not." I said.

"I'll have you know, he was a mess after he left you. Several times Brian had to drag him back from going on a plane to get back over here. He was having nightmares, and a lot of nights he didn't even sleep. He really does love you, Emma." Paul explained.

"He doesn't deserve to be forgiven." I said.

"Your decision." he replied.

"Can we change the subject?" I asked.

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