Part 15

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~Payton's POV~

I started to watch the video with absolutely nothing to expect.

"Today's top story is a mysterious car crash. Earlier this evening a woman in her mid thirties was having a normal day, driving to work. She was a little distracted but at the moment, no one knows why. Unfortunately she ended up crashing into a old run downed building. You can see it right here"

The camera moved to the side and there the car was. It was still in the building but luckily no one is in there. I know that place, it's a few streets down from here.

"Due to the impact the women in car would have died but she didn't, and it was because of a very little girl. This girl was walking home from school when she saw the woman. Quickly she ran over and pulled her out. After that the woman was completely fine, leaving her with no pain and or injuries. Here's a clip of that"

A different video started to play and it shows a very small girl with a backpack pull the woman out of the car. The little girl placed her hand on the women's chest for a few seconds before asking if the woman was ok. Once she said yes the young girl nodded and walked away.

"We still don't know who the little girl was but because of her the woman is alive and able to go back to her family."

I closed my laptop and took a deep breath. That was gods daughter. I believe she has the ability to heal people, and that's what she just did. The video was kind of old so the quality was terrible. The only thing I can make out from that is that her hair is curly and her eyes are black.

I'm finally getting somewhere!

Shit it's late, I should probably head back to bed now. I put my laptop back and did exactly what my mind said. Once my back hit the bed, there was only one thing running through my head.

"Don't get near Samantha". I'm becoming too nice towards her and it's showing. We haven't fought in hours, that's bad.

Literally a second later, Samantha started to move in her sleep until her head landed on my chest and she moved in closer. I should push her off of me but I kind of don't want to. I'm aware that all the shit I said earlier is very contradicting at this moment but let me have this one.

It's just a little different now you know? Don't get me wrong, I like this but I don't think I can forgive her for what she did. Call me stubborn, I don't give a damn.

After a few more minutes of me over thinking with my arm wrapped around Samantha while playing with her hair, I finally fell asleep.

~Samanthas POV~

I just woke up and I'm not going to lie, I feel amazing. I don't know what's different about this morning but I'm not hating it.

Me being me, I refused to get up for about five minutes. I was just too comfortable. Eventually I tried to but stoped mid way because I felt a little bit of resistance. I looked down and that's when I realized all the comfort that I was feeling was because I was laying on Payton.

He was still asleep, with his arm around me. He looks really cut- never mind.

All of a sudden Payton moved his free hand and covered my eyes before lightly pushing me back down to his chest. With his eyes still closed he started talking in his raspy morning voice.

P: stop looking at me and go back to bed.

S: I wasn't looking at you

That's a lie

P: yes you were

S: shut the fuck up. Let go of me

P: no

The Devils Son//Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now