Like Father, Unlike Son

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((Tw; hard drugs, alcohol, violence, guns, homophobia))

George remembered on the six month of his internship, late at night, a man came stumbling in with a knife wound in his torso. It was the first time George had ever dealt with a physical injury that wasn't illness. But something was off about this man. The wounded man just reeked of alcohol and street filth. George was practically thrown out of the way by Scott Major when the man came in. 

He was intoxicated. Not just from liquor, but from drugs. He was tripping on some hallucinogens. George watched in fear as two doctors restrained the man, one of the doctors put the man in a headlock of sorts, and waited for the man to pass out. 

It was an experience George very badly wanted to forget. The effect of substance abuse was very evident on this. After the whole incident, George actually asked Major about it. 

"Some patients come in under the influence. For our safety as well as theirs, it's best if we get them to sleep. Some are more violent than others." He warned. George never thought he'd have to use this in his own home. The man who came in, George found out, was a local druggie who got into a fight after a drug deal gone wrong. 

Those same emotions of fright and uncertainty bubbled inside of George's blood once more. 

When his father stumbled through the front door, as drunk as a shunk, George leapt into action. Then he started screaming slurs, rage replaced reason. "The fuck is this gay shit?" His father slurred, nearly falling over. "My son can't be gay..." 

George glanced at Clay, who looked at John Founders with pure hate. George grabbed Clay's shoulder and pushed him back, taking a stance between Clay. and his father. "George..." Clay mumbled. 

"I got this-" George gave a small smile of reassurance to Clay before he turned around. 

He was met with the barrel of a pistol. 

"George!" Clay cried out, George could hear panic in his voice. He took a deep breath, raising his hands up. 

George looked passed the pistol at his father. John's eyes were fully dilated, he was hunched over and swaying slightly as he stood. John gave a toothy smile, before pulling back the hammer of the gun with a soft click. 

"My son ain't gay..." He spat. George scrunched up his nose. 

"You don't have a son damnit..." George hissed. His words seemed to anger John just a little more. 

"Shut your fucking mouth. I wont have a son once I'm done..." John sneered, hiccupping slightly. 

"A damn drunk." George grunted. He placed his hand on the pistol, guiding it up above his chest. George glanced back at Clay, who was just standing there as shock overcame him. "Do you think i'm scared of you?"

"Wha.." John was baffled at George's reaction. 

"Do you think-" He repeated. "I'm scared of you?" He laughed. "You really think I'd be scared of a lowlife like you?" George stepped forward, the nose of the gun pressed against him now. "Shoot me. I dare you. What do you think is gonna happen? You kill me? As if i don't want that" George growled. "Just because you fucking left, doesn't mean i ever wanted you to return, So go on ahead. Pull the trigger. I dare you."

John took the challenge. But since he wasn't sober, George had the advantage. Before anything happened, George swung his arm under his father's arm. He moved his arm in a circle motion, causing his father to lose his stance. George forced John's arm down as he pulled the trigger. 

It was a soft clink. The chamber was empty. George blinked. That was close. Remembering that night in the hospital, he danced around his father, grabbing hold of him like he had seen the other doctor do. He knew where a pressure point was. Applying enough force, his father soon lost consciousness and fell to the floor with a thump.

George was then engulfed into the tightest hug he had ever been given. He turned to meet Clay's worried and tear-filled gaze. "George you fucking idiot..." He cried. 

"Nothing happened... I'm okay... we're okay..." George wrapped his arms around his lover and held him. 

"You didn't know the gun was empty, he could have shot you..." He whimpered. 

"But... he didn't?" George was confused, everything was fine, why was Clay so upset?

"Did you mean it..." Clay finally broke away, meeting George's ginger gaze. 

"Mean what?"

"About wanting... to d.."

"Oh no!" George gasped. "Is that why your upset?"

"Yes damnit! I don't want to lose you fucker." Clay sniffled. 

George gave a pitiful smile before pulling him into another hug. "You couldn't lose me even if you wanted too..." He held Clay for a moment. "We should really call the cops and stuff... he did try to kill me..." George gulped. 

"How are you so calm?"

"You meet a lot of dangerous people in the hospital." George broke away, grabbing the gun from the floor. He opened the casing and looked for bullets. "I wonder why is wasn't loaded. 

"Did he forget?"

"No..." George looked up and at Clay. Clay shrugged. George blinked and pulled out his phone and dialed the police. 


Lol so, idk where this is going anymoreee i am kind of starting to hate this, but there are only a few chapters left so yeah whatever. My next dnf fanfic will be better. This is just turning into a fanfic where shit happens just for drama idk man. I ain't proud of it no more ngl

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