Snow Angels

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After George told Clay to take his sister home, he did so. He wasn't going to argue with George, not now. The car ride was fairly silent. Clay had put some random radio station on but turned the volume down almost all the way. He glanced over at Eliza. She wasn't crying or even seemed to be that upset. She just looked tired. 

She had her knees drawn to her chest, her head resting against the window as she shut her eyes. Eliza's breathing was soft and calm, but she wasn't asleep. Clay frowned. He mentally beat himself up at he drove. How could he have not know about George's mom? He would have stepped in, at this point, Clay was so smitten with George, he would do just about anything.

Clay allowed a long and heavy sigh escape his nose, this caused Eliza to stir and sit up straight. 

"Oh sorry, i didn't mean to wake you..." He muttered softly. 

Eliza shrugged and yawned. "I wasn't asleep." She adjusted her seatbelt. Awkward silence befell the car for a moment.  After a few painful seconds of quiet, Clay opened his mouth to speak but Eliza beat him to it. "I am fine if that's what you re gonna ask..." Clay glanced over to her, her gaze was focused outside.

"I- Sorry... i dont mean to be prude." Clay rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's fine, its a weird situation that you've just kind of been thrown into."

"If i may ask... why aren't you... upset?" He asked. 

Eliza looked as if she was lost in thought for a second. She inhaled deeply and exhaled. "I am upset, but I also prepared for this."


"I was ten, George was thirteen." She started. "When my mom was diagnosed. It was hard for sure, but we still had our dad. A few months later our mom had to stop working... our dad... he began to drink. A lot." Clay turned off the music completely and listened to every word she said. It was funny to think about, Eliza had opened up more than George ever did. 

"Is that why George is working?" Clay asked. 

"Kind of. Once George turned fourteen, our dad up and left us. He took mine and George's collage funds and disappeared." Eliza sounded so unbothered by this statement. "George started doing odd jobs until he was old enough to get a proper job." 

"So, he's been working non-stop for four years." 

"Mhm." Eliza hummed. She thought about what to say next. "George began working at the hospital a year ago. He was obsessed with the idea of being able to find a cure for our mom. I knew she was gone. The reason I'm so calm is i saw this coming from a mile away. About a year ago i started to distance myself from my mom. I know that sounds bad but..." She trailed off, she was getting a little emotional now. 

"You don't have too-"

"If he wasn't doing schoolwork or paying bills, he was researching. He got so sad." He voice leapt. "He thought he could be the one to save her, that it was his fault she was sick and he was gonna fix it..." She sucked in a sharp breath. "I'm not weak, I've always been stronger than most my age, only because George protected me. He is a good brother but..." She wiped her nose and hesitated. "He got sad... really sad..." 

Clay's heart sank. He had no clue. Sure George was jumpy and nervous, but Clay would have never thought George was depressed. "Does... he see anyone...?"

"No..." She was crying now. "God he's so stupid... he thinks he isn't worth it, he thinks dad left and mom getting sick is his fault... Our walls are thin i here him talking..." She covered her mouth with her hand and stayed quiet, calming herself before continuing. "I'm not going to cry for my mom, i love her yes but i love my brother more... He isn't strong anymore a-and... he's been the strong sibling for so long... i want to be the one who saves the other for once..." She cried softly

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