Neon Rainbows

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Clay <3
I'll be over in a bit, everything ok?
Sent: 4:23pm

No, everything was not okay. How could anything be okay right now? George felt like the world was falling apart all over again. He stared down at his phone screen, his fingers hovering over the keyboard as he thought about what to text. Should he tell Clay? It had been so long since George opened up about anything, and Clay seemed to find out what truly bothered George anyways.

He sucked in a deep breath and held it as he typed.

Everything is fine

Everything is f

Everything is falling apart. I need you :[
Sent: 4:26pm

He hesitated before he hit sent. It was long over do now. After the message was delivered, he shut off his phone and threw it to the side of the couch he wasn't on.

Would Clay think differently of him? George scoffed at his own toxic thoughts. No matter what George had said or done, Clay was there, supporting him. George felt warmth hug his cheeks. Clay made him feel so happy.

"I'm gonna do it..." He said to himself. "I'm gonna tell him everything..." He promised quietly.

After a few minutes of waiting, a soft knock could be heard from the door. George smiled widely and rushed to it, making sure to fix his fluffy hair before opening it.

Once the thick wooden door creaked open, George was greeted by a warm embrace from Clay. Clay had pulled him into a tight hug, leaving little wiggle room, not that George wanted to move anyways. George hummed in delight, sinking into his arms. He inhaled, sweet scents of pine and lilac filled his nose.

"Is your sister home?" Clay whispered.

George pulled his head away and looked at him curiously. "No... Why-" Clay giggled loudly then just, picked George up off the floor. "What the hell Clay?!" George tried to sound mad, but it came out as a bunch of giggles.

Clay simply didn't answer as he walked through George's house to the couch, where he sat down and promptly placed George on his lap.

"I could've walked you know..." George's face was bright red. And so was Clay's.

"And where's the fun in that?" He laughed, leaning back. Soon, Clay was fully laying down on the couch but George remained up right, looking down at him.  Clay's mouth widened into a soft smile. George couldn't help but do the same.

Without really thinking, George just laid down on top of Clay. Resting his head in clay's chest, he listened to the gentle thump of his heart. Clay instinctually wrapped his arms around George's torso. He allowed one hand to find its way to George's hair, where he gently stroked it in a calming manner.

"What happened...?" Clay whispered in George's ear.

He knew this would come. Where George needed to tell someone about everything.

"He's back..."


"My dad..." George's voice wavered with uncertainty. Clay didn't say anything after that, he just held George a little closer. "He's here because of my mom..." George continued after a moment. "He hasn't don't anything bad yet... But I can't help but feel like he's gonna hurt someone." George bit the inside of his cheek, thinking about what to say next. "He really broke the family when he left, i know i can't forgive him and I'm scared Eliza might... But what if he's the same drunk that took our money and left?" George pondered out loud. He wasn't so much talking to Clay as he was trying to organize his own thoughts. 

Clay shifted slightly, causing George to sit up. Once George was propped up on his arms, Clay cupped his face. "Do you need me to listen, distract you, or give advice?"

"A distraction would be nice..." George looked down. Clay smiled brightly.

"You know you are amazing right?"


"You are like... A super hero." Clay offered a geeky grin. "You are super smart and brave and handsome..." He continued, seeing as how flustered George got.

"I'm none of those things."

"You are all of them and more." Clay sat up, staring into George's eyes. "You are amazing George Founders." George's eyes watered slightly. This is the validation he so desperately needed.

"Shut up... You're lying..." George pouted.

"No, I will not shut up." Clay challenged. "You know you are worth it, you are incredible at what you do. You are an amazing brother..."

"Shut up!" George blinked.

"Make me-"

George grabbed the collar of Clay's shirt and pulled him forward, connecting their lips. Clay took a second to realize what was happening. Once his brain registered it, he grabbed George's waist and pulled him as close as humanly possible. George's heart raced with adrenaline. He was kissing Clay Blocc. The football star who broke his foot.

It was so surreal. Not many months ago, Clay was admitted to the hospital with a broken foot, where George absentmindedly confessed thinking he was cute. And now here they sat, warm in each other's embrace. After a second or two, George pulled back.

"I-I am so sorry... You aren't even gay..." George gasped. Clay laughed, more like wheezed like a kettle. "W-why are you laughing?" George cried.

"Because you, George N. Founders, are a fucking idiot..." Clay leaned in again, kissing George once more. This time, the kiss was excepted, so both boys fully leaned into it. At first, George's lips were awkward, unsure of how to position themselves. Eventually they fell into place along side Clay's. The kiss was longer this time... Way longer... After several perfect seconds, Clay pulled away but still held George close. "You know I've liked you forever... Right?" He asked.

"You liked me?" George blinked in disbelief. "Really..?"

"George." Clay sighed into a smile. "I thought you were suppose to be the smart one..." He chuckled.

"Textbook smart... Not people smart..." George mumbled, trying to hide his smile. Clay hummed and pulled him into a warm hug. George rested his head on Clay's shoulders. He liked how everything wrong with the world disappeared when he was with Clay. Like somehow Clay had the key to the door George locked long ago. 

"Hey..." Clay mumbled. 

"Hmm?" George hummed his response. Clay lifted George's face and looked him deep in the eyes. 

"George..." His voice was deep. George could listen to him speak for ages, and look into those eyes for just as long. "I lov-"

Without so much as a warning, the front door swung open with force, slamming into the wall. The sudden chaos and loud bash of the door startled the two boys. When they looked over the couch, the wobblily figure of John Founders stood there. The stench of alcohol obvious on his person.  

"Who the fuck are you..." John slurred as he entered the house, his glossy eyes staring at the two boys. "The fuck is this gay shit...?"

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