Friday Night Lights

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(Just a warning, i know jack-shit bout football. I was a band kid, i will get football details wrong DONT COME FOR ME PLS)

A pregame locker room was always a mess, especially today. Tonight the Mike Craftinton's high school famed football team, The Creepers, were playing their biggest rivals, the Fort Night High's Rangers. Not only would half the city attend the game, but a manager for the top football collage teams would be there today, scoping out talent. And Clay Blocc was talented. 

Clay sat in the cramped locker-room. Steam from the running showers and general sweat dampened the air. Clay didn't mind though. He rather enjoyed the chaos. The atmosphere was always full of excitement and pride. The Creepers were quite famous in the state, taking home several trophies in recent years, all thanks to Clay. 

Clay was defiantly the best player on the team, able to play any position on the field with ease. Everyone knew Clay was amazing, even Clay, but he was humble about it. He sat on the metal bench near his locker, slipping off his school clothes to get into his football gear. 

"Dream, hmm you sexy thang!" A familiar voice called. Due to Clay's popularity, he was given the nickname 'The Dream.' Clay grinned and looked up, seeing his best friend, Nick Sap, biting his lip and making the fuckboi face. Clay rose to his feet and him and Nick exchanged a brotherly hug and complete hand shake. 

"Looking cute today, Nick." Dream offered a playful wink and proceeded to slap Nick's ass with such force. 

"Ohmegosh Dream∼" Nick threw his hands over his cheeks dramatically. "Staph, you finna make me act up." Nick somehow managed to make the human equivalent of the heart eyes emoji in real life. The two boys then erupted in laughter. This was a common conversation between them. Though Nick was painfully straight. He could absolutely marry a man and adopts kids and he'd still be straight. 

When Dream's tea-kettle wheeze subsided he grinned. "You excited for the game, Sapnap?" He asked, returning to removing his clothes. Sapnap was a nickname given to his friend by the school, based on the fact that Nick never seemed to stay awake during classes.

"Yeah man! Tonight's the night you get your ass a full ride scholarship." Sapnap beamed. He opened his locker, which was right next to Dream's. Taking out his shoulderpads and uniform, he replaced it with his backpack. 

"Nah, i wont get one. Someone else probably will." Dream mumbled, slipping into his padded white pants. Dream shoved his head through his shoulder pads then slipped on his jersey. Their school colors were green and white so that's what their uniforms looked like.

"Are you serious? You were the only one to score last game, and we won by 27 point." Sapnap scoffed. "Stop being humble dude, you deserve this." He punched Dream in the shoulder lovingly, Dream allowed a selfish smile to brush his lips.

"Aye, big D!" A small freshman boy approached the seniors. He was about as tall as Dream, and that was saying something since Dream was 6'3. The boy was on the varsity team his freshmen year because he was ungodly good at the sport. "How much would i have to pay you to threaten some people for me?" He asked. 

Dream glanced at Sapnap and laughed. "What the hell Tommy?" He wheezed. When Tommy didn't laugh, Dream blinked. "Those fuckers messing with Tubbo again?" He asked. Tommy nodded. 

"I'll beat them up free of charge. Little shits." Sapnap growled, punching is right hand into his left palm. Tubbo was Tommy's best friend, and the only boy on the cheer team, even though he used he/they pronouns. Tubbo was often a target of bullying because they were a cheerleader, that and he simply refused to wear the male uniform, they always said he looked really good in a skirt. 

Dream frowned. "I'll talk to them." Tommy grinned ear to ear, revealing his braces. 

"Thanks Big D, now imma go find Will." Tommy spun on his heels and rushed off. 

"Alright ladies, GATHER AROUND!" The booming voice of the coach called out. Within a few seconds, every person on the team were huddled in the front of the locker-room, listening to Coach Bradly. He went on to explain some basic football plays and the importance of tonight's game and how much they needed to win. Dream's felt nerves bubble inside of him. He never really got anxious before a game, but something wasn't right. He felt like something bad was going to happened, he just didn't know what yet. 

The football team was on the field several hours before the game actually started, running plays and warming up. Dream inhaled the sweet scent of fake grass and teenage musk. He glanced around at his teammates and smiled. The last three years he had played side by side with these people and he loved every single one of them. He knew he had a very good chance of getting the scholarship, but that wouldn't stop him from playing for fun. 

He looked at Sapnap, who was currently charging into another teammate Luke Punz. Dream laughed when Sap easily took Punz down. His gaze then drifted over to a boy with SOOT written on the back of his jersey, talking to a girl with dyed hair. Wilbur Soot and Niki. They weren't dating but it wouldn't be long until they were. Niki worked for yearbook so she was occasionally snapping pictures. Dream then looked towards the cheerleaders, where he was Tommy, chanting and cheering on Tubbo as they did their routine. 

Tonight would absolutely make or break Dream's career. 

The sun had vanished and it was now night time. The massive stadium lights beamed down onto the field. It was just after half-time now. The band was marching off of the field after their performance. It had been about an hour or so since the game started. The Creepers were up by a few points but Dream wanted to secure their lead and take home another flawless victory. The two sets of players met in the middle of the field then took their positions. Clay crouched down then surveyed his opponents.

"321 HUT!" The hutter for the Creepers shouted as he threw the ball back to Sapnap. Dream clashed with two players from the Rangers but managed to slip by. Sapnap saw the opportunity, he threw the ball. He sent it twirling through the air into the arms are Dream. 


Dream did a small leap into the air to catch the ol' pigskin. When it was safely in his arms, he planted in foot into the ground to pivot. But a sudden force body slammed into Dream, sending him cascading to the floor. Then he felt a heavy pressure on his foot and then snap. 

Dream heard it, clear as day. Sharp pain shot up through Dream's leg, causing him to scream out in torment. He couldn't feel his foot, he couldn't move it, he couldn't do anything. He shriveled up in agony, screaming bloody murder. The cheers and music silenced and Coach Bradley rushed to the aid of his star player. Sapnap was also there, holding Dream's hand in a botched attempt at comfort. Medics ran to his aid. 

Dream couldn't breath. A mixture of fear, rage and aguish choked Dream as he sobbed. His vision blurred from the amount of tears. Sapnap ripped of Dream's helmet. Dream could hear voices, but they were muffled. He was in to much pain to focus. He could only here the faint wail of sirens in the distance. 

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