Mr. Loverboy

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He didn't like the fact he had to leave George for the day, but school was apparently important. The blaring scream from his alarm called Clay from slumber. Rolling over, he slammed his hand down on the tiny clock, silencing it. He threw his hands over his face and rubbed sleep from his eyes. Six am on a Monday morning. Nothing more dreadful. 

Clay honestly debated risking his entire education for an extra five minutes of quiet, but the universe had made up her mind for him. A country song starting playing from his phone. Clay groaned. It was the ringtone to the one and only Nick Sap. Clay buried his face into his pillow, waiting for the call to time out. Once it did, Clay snuggled into his blankets to fall back asleep. 

Then he called again.

"Oh my fucking god-." Annoyed, Clay grabbed his phone and looked at it. The picture that accompanied the call was of Sapnap from freshman year, in a cowboy costume, completely stoned to hell. "What the hell do you want?" Clay yawned. 

"Oh Nick! My lovely best friend who i love so dearly! I missed you so so so- "Nick started talking in a mocking tone.

"Shush... it's to early for your shit..." Clay groaned, finally sitting up. 

"Are you planning to go to school today?" Nick asked. 

"Uhm, yes? Why wouldn't I?"

"Oh, i don't know, maybe the fact you ghosted my ass all weekend."


"You completely dropped off the face of the Earth after your party dude, what happened?" That party seemed like a million years ago.

Clay swung his legs off his bed and cupped his own face. " A lot happened..." He sighed heavily. 

"Ditch first and second, coffee and breakfast and we talk?" Nick offered, noticing how sad Clay sounded. 

"Yeah but your driving... and paying." Clay grinned. 

"Oh wow, Mr. Rich bitch can't pay for McDonalds'." Nick teased. "Mkay, I'll be over in an hour, don't ghost me again fucker." Sapnap warned

"Love you too Nick." Clay wheezed, making kissy noises. Nick made some back then hung up. He tossed his phone to the side and stretched, his bones cracking with the movement. He should check on George. 

He walked quietly down the hallway to the door. With a soft creak, the door opened, revealing a sleeping George. Oh now peaceful he looked. Clay approached as silently as he could, eventually finding a place at the foot of the bed. 

Clay watched as George's chest slowly rose and fell as he slept. How could he look so beautiful? He was sick and asleep, he had no right to look like a piece of art. Clay noticed the very light dappling of freckles across his cheeks and nose. Gently, Clay brushed the stray hairs from George's forehead and smiled. 

He was utterly thankful his parents allowed the Founder siblings to stay. Once Clay explained the absence of a father and their mother in the hospital, the Bloccs allowed them in with open arms. Drista and Eliza seemed to hit it off perfectly, and everyone couldn't help but notice the warmth Clay and George shared. Everyone in the house besides the two boys themselves, knew they were smitten. 

Clay quickly wrote a note to George explaining where he was and such, even though he told him yesterday, he wanted to make sure George knew. Once he was done, he went back to his own room to get dressed. 

A classic look of black jeans and a green jacket, Clay was ready to face the world. He bounded down the stairs, grabbing his backpack from beside the front door. Just as he did so, his phone buzzed. Nick was here. 

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