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"Okay, let's start warming up," Jade yells across the field

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"Okay, let's start warming up," Jade yells across the field. The training was very similar each day. We warmed up, ran, strength building, and sparing. The whole session was about two hours, but it was rigorous. Much more so than Killer Wolf. Though our warriors were good, we trained less often than Red Sky. Warriors here are required to train every other day. Off days are often for patrol running, Jade will lead one day and Holden the other. Both train on weekends.

Today, Jade is leading. Like a good mate, I often attend her session and help Holden lead his, so I train almost every day. She leads us through stretching before we go for a three-mile run. After that, we start with a strength building. I notice Jade getting tired, which is unusual for her. Considering she has trained four times as hard before, this should be nothing.

She pairs us together for sparing. And while I square up, I notice her smell. After two days since I first noticed it, it hasn't changed. Her scent is mixed with my own. Don't get me wrong, when wolves mate their smells mix, however, I never noticed mine overwhelm her, like now. 

After a few punches, I kick her feet out from under her. She lands with an "uhh" and takes a minute to catch her breath.

"You all right, baby?" I help her up and she nods. "You seem tired."

"Shh," she swings her fist, landing a hit on my cheek.

"What's wrong?" I ask while blocking her next two throws.

I don't want the warriors to know.

That you're tired? I ask while we continue the spar session, though slower and less aggressive.

Don't get me wrong, they love me. All of them want the chance to beat me in a spar. They would all take this chance to fight with me.

You should go home. I suggest and I see her give me an 'are you crazy' look.

No way. I have to finish training.

And so she did. Our spar finished so we went to examine other warriors. Jade and I critique the men and women as they trained. Once training was over, Jade leaned her head against me. "I don't know why I'm so tired."

"Because you're a full-time student, mate, and Beta preparing for war. I would be tired too. Let's go home and watch a movie."

"Correction: you watch, I nap."

I chuckle and kiss her head. "I am okay with that."


Jade was showering for a long time. Once she finally came down in sweats and a tank top, she immediately plops down next to me. I wrap my arm around her and she cuddles into my side. It isn't long into my episode of Law and Order that she's asleep.

We need to care for mate. My wolf noted as I train my fingers up and down her arm.

I am taking care of her.

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