Training the Pups

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"Who wants to try?" Ally looks over all the pups before Frey eagerly steps forward

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"Who wants to try?" Ally looks over all the pups before Frey eagerly steps forward. After her, Allen is the next to do so. Then two of them shift and square off. Colton and I observe from the side, making sure nothing goes wrong. Frey lunges first and is quick to be beaten down by the bigger Allen.

She gets up and growls at him and tried again, to fail again. She uses her position on the ground to go up for his neck, which she grabs and digs her teeth into.

"Enough," Ally yells and Colton and I growl at her. "Frey! Enough!"

I am quick to jump and pull her off him. Allen drops to the ground with blood pooling around him. Frey growls at me for stopping her fight, her wolf took over. I growl and take one step forward, allowing power to radiate off me. She was quick to back off.

"Jade..." Ally called me over. "He needs a doctor."

Colton and I shift to help lift the limp wolf body into my truck bed. Ally gets in with him, hours of volunteering at the pack doctor finally paying off.

I put on some clothes and start my engine before speeding out of the training area. I see other warriors enter the area, probably on Colton's word. I drive as fast as I can to get to the doctor office where out pack doctor is located. Once I get there, nurses rush out to help Ally and I get Allen into the office.

Dr. Para meets us and starts her examination while they rush him back to surgery. I wait out in the sitting area and soon Holden join me. "How bad?"

"He wasn't breathing well," I answer with my head in my hand. "It's bad."

"Can I give your more bad news?" he sits beside me and I slowly nod. "Dad wants to step down this weekend."

"This weekend!"

"With these contante threats he wants a show of power. Specifically he wants to show the Heirs' power. Plus, he's getting old and doesn't want to risk Killer Wolf trying to challenge him for the pack."

"This weekend," I sigh, accepting my fate. I always knew it was coming. We agreed though, that we would take over when I graduate. Holden wanted to take over before now, but I asked to wait. Balencing school and the pack would be hard, but I know others that have done it.

"Alpha, Beta," Allen's mother rushed in and grabs my arms, tears in her eyes. "Where is he?"

"Surgery," I grab her hands and grip them, giving her little comfort. "There was a lot of blood."

Both of Allen's parents are warriors. Good warriors. His father runs in next, shirtless and freshly shifted. He was on patrol. He grips his mate and pulls her to his chest as she cries. Holden as I sat with them as their other children arrived. Allen being the youngest of five.

Dr. Para comes out and faced the parents, "He's stable, for now."

"Can we see him?" his father asks and Dr. Para nods, taking only the parents to his room. Holden and I leave shortly after Dr. para says 'family only'.

"Mom wants to take you and Kaity dress shopping for the ceremony," Holden tells me as we walk down the road to the Alpha house. I nod, smiling at the kids that pass us as we walk. "Can't wait to have one of those."

"A pup?" I ask to crearify and he nods. "Is Kaity--?

"No, not yet," he answers. Holden and Kaity have been together since he was 16, which is when wolves are able to find their mates. For five years they have made a cute Alpha and Luna Heir couple. They are going to make a great Alpha and Luna.

After a few hours of planning the ceremony, I walk back to my truck, which was still parked at the doctor office. Before I can leave though, Allen's older sister, Alexia, stops me.

"Beta Jade," I turn to face her, wanting only to go home and take a hot bath and do homework so I can sleep.

"Yes, Alexia."

"The wolf that did this, will they be punished?"

I thought for a moment. Frey didn't mean to do this, her wolf took control. Pack law, however says that she is liable to be exiled. I wouldn't recommend that though.

"She will."

"Will she be exiled?"

"I will not be recommending it, but that is the Alpha's decision, not mine."

"Alpha Dylan won't rule on this. Alpha Holden and yourself are taking over this weekend. You will be presiding over his case."

"And I will recommend she not be exiled."

"Beta," she took a step closer to me. "My brother, my little brother, had bite marks through his neck. He can't breathe without a ventilator. He lost so much blood he nearly died and is constant pain. Why wouldn't you exiled the wolf that did this?"

"The wolf will be charged with Involuntary Assault. Her wolf took over, this was merely a training accident."

"What if he dies?"

"Allen won't die," I place my hand on her shoulder.

"Dr. Para says he's not out of the woods."

"But he will get there," I start the truck and slowly climb in. "I have to get moving. I'll see you soon, Alexia."

"Good night, Beta."


When I get home both my parents are waiting for me. My sister sits there as well with her mated arms around her pregnant belly. "What's wrong?"

"I can't visit my sister right before she becomes Beta," Anna stands and gives me a big hug. "Beta Jade Lewis."

"Word does spread fast," I say moving to sit on the couch where my brother-in-law smiles at me. "I take it you all will be there."

"Wouldn't miss it," my dad tells me.

"Well, I have homework," I stand and kiss both my my parents foreheads before going it my room to do homework. Yeah, this was going to be a hard week.

 Yeah, this was going to be a hard week

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