Chapter Nine

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When Fawn turned into the street the first thing they saw was the three police cars out front. She pulled onto the side of the rode and they both walked up to the house.

The second thing Trish saw was the bike parked in the drive way.

She opened the door and walked inside. "Mom? Dad?"

"Oh thank God!" She heard her mother yell. Then she came running around the corned and pulled the girls into a hug. "We were worried sick!"

Trish pulled away. "Why?"

"According to Josh you were partying last night. He wanted to make sure you had gotten home safe." Her mother gave her a stern look.

Falcon came around the corner then, relief on his face. But Trish couldn't be more pissed. She couldn't believe he would go to go parents. Walking right up to him, she slapped him.

"Stay out of my life!" Then she leaned in close and whispered so only he could hear, "You need to forget that last night ever happened because I already have."

She shoved past him and went to take a shower. She could hear her patents apologizing to the officers and heard them leave. The bathroom door opened and closed.

"I don't want to hear it, mom."

"I'm not your mom, but you're going to hear it," Fawn said.

"Ugh, Fawn, let me shower in peace."

"No. Trish, you can't just ignore that last night didn't happen. You had sex with Josh."

Trish popped her head out. "No. I had sex with Falcon. They are two different people. Josh was the sweet guy that dated me throughout high school. Falcon is the guy that broke my heart and is the tough bad ass biker that won't leave me alone. Josh was good, Falcon is bad."

"I guess I can see your point...."

"Thank you. Can I shower now?"

"Scrub away, oh bitchy one." Fawn said and closed the door.


Falcon sat across the street on his bike. He lit a cigarette as he watched. Two weeks had gone by and she pretended as if nothing happened. She even started going out on dates.

As you can imagine that pissed him off. He had Hacker do some digging on the guy and it was not pretty.

Steven Hathbrow was a pimp and drug dealer. In jail on multiple accounts but always got away clean. What he was doing going on dates with Trish, Falcon didn't know but he wasn't going to wait to find out.

He started his old truck when he saw them get into Hathbrow's car. He followed behind with his headlights off. The car stopped outside of Trish's house. She got out of the car, leaned back in, and retreated to her house.

Hathbrow's car pulled away. Falcon followed behind him for half an hour before they entered the unsafe part of town. The buildings looked like they were falling down, dogs ran around the streets, furniture sat on sidewalks, street lights flickered or didn't work, and men stood in the shadows.

He parked and watched as Hathbrow walked up to an apartment building and into one of the doors. Falcon got out of his truck and walked across the grass, eyeing the men standing around.

One looked like he was going to approach. Another pointed out Falcon's cut and the man stepped back. Sometimes being in a feared MC came in handy.

He could hear yelling as he walked up to the apartment the pimp went into. Something crashed and he heard a woman scream. He kicked the door and it fell to the floor.

"What the fuck?" A man yelled.

Falcon walked into the room. The girls were huddled in the corner, stripped down to their underwear. There was a drug setup--probably cocaine--on the coffee table and glass covered the floor. He didn't have to look around much because there was barely anything there.

Steven Hathbrow stood by the coffee table, fists clenched and breathing heavy. Another man stood by the entrance to the kitchen, looking stunned, his hands already in the air.

"You ok?" He asked the girls.

"Hey asshole, get the fuck out," Hathbrow said.

Falcon looked back at him. He wore loose jeans, a white wife beater, and a black bandana. He looked different than how he looked at dinner with Trish.

He smirked. "You're fucked."


In three strides, he had him by his shirt and up against the wall. "You stay the fuck away from Trish, you hear me you fucking piece of shit?"

"Do you know who I am?" He struggled.

Falcon grinned. "Yea, I know who the fuck you are. I don't know what your game is, but she's not a part of it. Got me, bitch? If I see you anywhere near her, or find out you tried to contact her, I'll rip off you balls and shove them down your throat. I will fucking kill you."

"She's just a bitch, man."

He lost it. Sending his fist flying into the other man's face until he was slumped on the wall. He let him drop to the floor and sent his boot into his stomach.

"Girls get the fuck out and as far as you can," he told them. Then he turned to the man still standing near the kitchen. "You make sure sure he remembers what I said."

The guy nodded and Falcon walked out to his truck, not caring if someone saw the blood on his hands.

Tempting Her Biker (Warriors Series {2.5})Where stories live. Discover now