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an: in this chapter i'm focusing more on them telling friends on youtube, i'm not going to have them meet each other's parents but they do know, i'm just not going to write about there reactions because i know some people have issues with family and i don't want to upset anyone <3

After last nights conversation me and Jaxon decided to talk about how we were going to tell everyone. We decided to call our friends, Off screen and on screen friends of course. I told my parents a while ago, and he did aswell. So we weren't to nervous about that. We told our friends who weren't on youtube, and now it was time to tell our youtube friends. I messaged the discord server with Jaxon, asking everyone to meet up in a voice call to talk in private.

James Charles, Felix, Sean, Valkyrae, Sykkuno, Toast, Poki, and a few others were there. "So what's going on guys?" Sykkuno asked calmly. I let out a breath before Jaxon spoke up. "Just wanted to let you guys in on a secret" I smiled, silently thanking him for helping me start it off. "Is that Corpse on Damsels phone-?" Toast asked confused. Everyone laughed. "Yeah actually that's what we wanted to talk to you guys about."

We waited anxiously for a response "Shoot" Rae said happily. "Well Me and Corpse have actually been dating for a while." I said nervously. "That's awesome!" Sykkuno said happily. "So happy for you guys" Felix said loudly. "I wish you the best of luck" Sean said, followed by Rae "Aww!" And James, "YES SISTER!" and then Toast "Congrats!" And everyone else. "How long have you guys been together?" Poki asked. "About two and a half months.." I said biting my nails nervously. "What?! That's crazy guys! Congrats again!" Toast said happily. "Thank you guys so much" I said, hurrying my head into Jaxons shoulder.

"Yeah thanks guys it means a lot." Jaxon said kissing my head. "We're actually living together." Jaxon added in chuckling. "Aww!" James replied followed by more congratulations. "We're keeping it on the down low from fans, but we're going to tell everyone soon." Corpse said calmly, running his hand through my hair. "Oh- and i wasn't really planning on this but i just wanted to tell you guys my name, It's katherine by the way." I said into the phone. "What a nice name!" Poki said smiling "Yeah i'm going to tell everyone that aswell. "I'm still not telling my fan base my name, but mine is Jaxon, so please don't tell anyone." Jaxon said chuckling. "That's fine!" sykkuno said reassuringly. "This is totally off topic but-" Felix said, before being cut off by Sean.

"We're all thinking the same thing right?" Sean said. Just then, James and Rae spoke at the same time, "If Jaxon is packing?" Corpse said while Rae said "Lisa's a skank?" I choked on the oxygen around me at James' question and almost died in the spot, everyone laughed while corpse just sat awkwardly. "Yes, Lisa is a skank." I said laughing, Kissing Corpse to calm him down.

"But yeah, we're planning on telling everyone later tonight." Corpse said acting like he didn't care about the question James asked. "Yeah probably a Live stream or a video, haven't decided yet." I bit my nails nervously, I seriously had to stop doing that it was becoming a bad habit. "You could do a Live stream, that way you can interact with your viewers and answer questions." I thought for a moment "But Jaxon isn't showing his face so it would just be a blank screen.." I said thinking out loud. "I was thinking She do a live stream of just her and me in the background so that way i'm not showing myself, And sending out a tweet the second we reveal it on the live. That way it reaches both our fan bases at the same time."

I wrapped my arms tighter around his neck while he did the same, but with his arms around my waist. "That's a great idea you guys" Poki said smiling. "Yeah, Me and Marzia wish you the best." Felix said happily. Everyone said they're goodbyes and wished us luck, and we then hung up. "See? Wasn't that bad?" I said, more so to myself then to Jaxon. He chuckled "What ever you say babe." He then stood up, and i wrapped my legs around his waist. I let out a squeal and he carried me into the bedroom, shutting the door behind us.

time skip ( hehe )

"Okay. We got this, we totally got this" I said, pacing in My recording room. "Calm down babe" Jaxon said from the little couch in the corner. "Calm? I'm calm!" I said, trying to calm down. "Yeah right." He said laughing. "Okay, so here's how it's going down-" I said, trying to remind myself for the fifth time. "You'll start the live stream, i'll walk in, the camera will be too low to see my face, but not to low so it can't see yours. You'll be sitting down in your little chair-"I cut him off "But wait- wouldn't it be weird with you just standing there?" He sighed "And then- After i say hi, I'll sit down beside you on that chair-" He said, pointing at his chair which we'd brought in for the stream. "No one will be able to see my face, but instead only my hands and chest, Calm down, everything will be fine." I sighed "Everything will be fine." I repeated.

I turned on my live stream, and sat anxiously in my chair, Corpse/Jaxon was standing just at the door, ready to walk in. I readjusted my camera to the right height and began to talk. "Hi guys, i know this stream is out of the blue, But i just wanted to address some things" I smiled at the camera; reading the comments. "I'm going to start off by saying something i hadn't planned on saying- but i am anyway." I laughed, and read through the comments "It's my name actually" I said, biting my nails, but immediately putting my hands in my lap to stop myself "My name is Katherine, Katherine De Morgan." I smiled at the camera.

I waited a couple of seconds before saying my next piece of news. "I also wanted to say something that might seem a surprise to you guys.." I smiled and laughed to myself "I don't really know how to say this- i should have wrote it down-" I said, laughing to myself again, clearly nervous.

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