Learning to Coexist

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After Dex established he wouldn't hurt the pack, and they accepted him with hesitance, he turned his attention to me. For days I kept moving to avoid him, my shoulders tense, and he followed me like a damn shadow. Every time I turned around the king was there with a slight smile. Until the day I had to remain in my office to deal with paperwork and such. Dex left me alone for the morning and I had only just relaxed when he entered with a plate. I eyed the sandwich and stack of chips with my stomach growling because I hadn't eaten in hours then resumed reading the report from my enforcers.

I flinched when the plate sat on the desk, covering the report I read and blinked at the king. "Son, you need to eat," he scolded, his voice gentle. His expression, the way he did it, and his words reenacted a beloved memory of when my father did the same and I bawled. "I've got you," he murmured, pulling me from the chair so I cried into his shoulder. "Let it out, Kaden, it's okay." He seemed to guess he copied my father because he didn't ask. Afterward I sniffled, then glanced at the sandwich only to cry again. This time Dex chuckled and rubbed my back while I cried. "I'm sorry, pup. It was his favorite too, so I didn't think it through. I should have realized I'd step on the toes of a beloved memory. My apologies for causing you pain. Still, you need to eat, so get to it."

With a scowl, I returned to my chair and glared at him defiantly while I ate the food he'd brought. The king laughed with delight and praised the gods for paring me with his daughter. Then he pulled up a chair and asked to look over some of my paperwork. I tensed but let him, since he had yet to spurn anything I'd done so I was curious about what he'd do in private. I chuckled when Dex's eyes widened while he stared at my proposal for some of the pups we'd taken in who thrived here. "You'd give them this much responsibility?" He asked with awe.

"I had more at a younger age," I scoffed and he flinched. I refused to apologize, and instead met his gaze with a steadiness I didn't feel. My soul was restless, wondering if he'd revert to hating me because of my comment.

"True, but I didn't think you'd trust a pup from the Yance pack so much," Dex murmured.

"Where they come from ceases to matter the instant the set foot on my land," I growled and he flinched. "I see the broken pup, teen, or wolf. Not the pack they hail from. I never ask, because I don't care. Someone abused them, ignored them, or threw them out. We know how it feels to be unwanted, so we accept them and heal them with care. If you don't like it, don't let the door hit you when you leave. I doubt it would survive a round with your hard head." Dex flinched as if I struck him and I sneered.

"My apologies. In my reign, I've become a snob. I see that now. You're right, Kaden. Where the werewolf comes from shouldn't matter. Each wolf is their own person, and someone in need should be helped, not spurned. I'd like to observe you care for a new wolf if you'd let me, so I can learn to be more like you. Kira would benefit as well, since she'd understand how you greet those who need you and could then help in the future. She enjoys helping when and where she can, hence why she's an enforcer," Dex murmured. Then he sighed and hung his head. "Once upon a time, I was like you, Lyle, and Takir. I wanted to heal the broken. But along the way, I got lost to politics and pedigree I suppose. I'd like to offer you a crucial new position since we are half human, therefore we'll always be flawed. I want you and your pack to heal any broken wolves we discover whether its something other wolves have done or humans. We need a safe haven, and what I've seen so far is paradise for the lost, broken, and lonely. They can heal here, be part of a community, and discover who they are. I've met those four pups from the farm before. Tree, Badge, Sky, and Hat, correct? Tree was a horrendous mess last we met. He's big, but his brother is bigger. And their parents, well, they're too lost in each other to care what their pups do. I won't go into details, but that boy suffered hell. Yet, he smiles at you like he's never suffered a day in his life. Heaven."

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