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My last heat was far worse than any before I'd met Kaden, but I wasn't surprised. You weren't supposed to suffer it alone after you found your mate. The only thing that gave me the strength to survive it was the memory of how he helped me through it. My wolf clutched it, crying for her mate while our body burned and ached. I'd hoped his sweater would help me through the next one, but the scent was weak by the time it approached. I couldn't believe it'd been eight months since my father took me from my mate.

A few days before I believed my heat would strike, another package sat on my bed and I gulped upon seeing it. Would he be angry because of what Dane and I intended? My fingers shook when I reached for it after sitting on my mattress. I feared if his note was angry, I'd collapse. I missed him so much my soul ached, and the pain was constant. Still, I forced myself to rip the paper and a few pictures fell out along with a letter. A shuddering gasp of relief left my lips when I saw he gave me a sweater and sweatpants however, and his scent filled my nose. He couldn't be too angry if he gave me something carrying his scent, could he?

Before I dared read the letter, I pulled the clothes closer to my greedy nose so I could pull his scent deep into my lungs. As before, tears rose to my eyes because I missed him so damn much. The pictures somehow fell so they were facedown and I snorted when I saw he'd numbered them. Curious, I unfolded the letter to determine if there was a reason for it.

'My dearest heart,

I hope this letter finds you well. Your fiancé wrote me about the plan you desire to undertake. I won't lie, it terrifies me. My uncle is capable of terrible things which I hope never touch you. But I know you desire to do this, so I won't beg you not to go. Please be careful, Kit. If you drop your guard for even a second, he will take advantage. He plots, he schemes, and he hurts people. Please, please, ensure you make it home safely. I want to say come back to me, but you can't which hurts so much I can barely breathe. Still, I'd rather the pain than never know you.

So, on to happier things. You'll find three pictures in this package which Trina swears will fall facedown. She scares me sometimes. But she loves you like a sister. I'm sorry for my actions. I hurt both of you and I will never apologize enough for it. I hope you forgive her. Anyway, I digress. I wanted to send you on your quest with a smile, and ensure you aren't worrying about us hicks out in the middle of nowhere. So, if you look at picture one, you'll discover I have a girlfriend. It's okay, you can be jealous.'

Curious, I stopped reading the letter to flip over the first picture and burst out laughing. Kaden was centered in the frame with a two-year-old pup kissing his cheek. She must have eaten jam because her lips were purple and I could tell some of it stuck to his skin. In my mind, I saw Kaden's wide-eyed expression of disbelief once he realized it was there while the toddler grinned smugly. He'd have waited a second, letting the comedy of the situation build before he chased after her with a mock roar, tickling her once he caught her.

Once I got my laughter under control, I took a moment to appreciate the lighthearted feeling the picture inspired until longing chased it away. Still, it was wonderful while it lasted. After blinking away tears, I returned to the letter.

'It took a good scrubbing to get the jam off, but it was worth it. Yes, I tickled her, and yes, I laughed evilly while I did so. Her name is Tansy, and she loves jam. If I put it on vegetables, she eats them without complaint while I pretend not to gag. She's one of the pups you rescued. The bastard alpha killed her parents because they wanted to care for her instead of fight for him. Tansy clings to Tuck and Jax who can't say no to her, so I have a girlfriend. She toddles after me everywhere I go, and it's adorable. Jax is supposed to herd her to the classrooms but lets her stay. I... I'm thinking of adopting her. Since, she kind of adopted me, but I call her my girlfriend instead because I don't want to get our hopes up. Hers, if I can't for some reason, mine if she decides she's had her fill and finds someone else to love.'

My heart ached for the duo and I yearned to call Kaden and tell him to adopt the little girl he was desperate to love. I glanced at the picture again, sniffling when I saw how adorable they were together. She had beautiful blonde ringlets, and eyes as blue as the sky on a warm summer day. Marco. I'd tell Marco to convey my message to his cousin so he would adopt the little girl and give her a home. Even if we couldn't be together, or Kaden chose someone else to raise her with him, I wanted them to have each other.

'Anyway, I'm sorry if I upset you. I wanted you to know I was okay, and getting kisses. If you look at picture two, you'll discover I get tail too.'

Now I was super curious and trying not to smile while I grabbed the picture and flipped it only to laugh so hard, I cried. A scowling Kaden sat beside Tansy in her cute blue dress while she held the tail of a cow over his head. Her eyes danced with laughter, as did his, and my heart ached. I wanted to be there with them so bad. Even without meeting the darling little girl, my heart tugged and I felt like she was mine to love. My wolf agreed, chuffing while she stared at the picture through my eyes.

'So, I meant it when I said she toddles after me everywhere. She stole my heart the second we met. Albeit she looked more like a drowned rat. It might have been planned. She's clever like you. If I didn't know better, I'd think you set me up. Either way, picture three isn't meant to hurt you. Please don't be hurt. I almost didn't include it, but, well, I hope you like it. If it hurts you, I am so, so sorry, Kit. Please forgive me.'

My breath shuddered past my lips and I reached for the picture with shaking fingers while wondering why Kaden feared it might hurt me. Kaden stood in the frame, a warm smile curling his lips while he held Tansy who snuggled into his chest. She smiled the shy way toddlers often do and held a hand towards the camera like she was inviting me to join their hug.

It hurt, oh god how it hurt to see them in that pose. But I understood why Kaden sent it. It was his invitation to join their little family and a reminder he hadn't given up on us yet. I understood the real reason he hadn't adopted her yet. He feared I'd be upset. This was his way of asking permission and my heart ached. How could I say no to either of them? For the first time, I resented my father for keeping us apart.

'I love you, you know that, right? Please be safe on your mission, my heart. We'll be waiting to hear about it from Marco. He promised to be your messenger whenever you wish to use him. I tell Tansy stories about you, as does Tuck, and she asks for you. Only she calls you "Kitty," which makes me laugh. I shouldn't, but you have to admit it's funny. I'll give you a million kisses if you let her call you that without scolding me the first time. I told her you were the one who rescued her and her eyes lit up, so I think she remembers you. Anyway, I love you, and please be safe. I will never forgive Dane if my uncle hurts you. I don't care if it was your idea. I know you can handle yourself. You're strong. Far stronger than me. But you're my mate and I'll be damned if I don't want to protect you. You don't need protection, and you can tell me that until you're blue in the face but I'll still want to protect you. Everyone needs someone to lean on and I will be your rock until the end of time. So, I will get between you and whatever danger you face in case you need a moment of weakness before you kick ass.'

I laughed with tears in my eyes, shaking my head at my mate while my heart glowed because of his words. It lightened my heart for him to acknowledge I was stronger without seeming upset in the least, even though he was an alpha. But to learn he wanted to give me a moment to gather myself if I needed it pleased me and my wolf. Although, she didn't mind the idea of him never moving out of the way. Normally if someone tried to protect me, it irritated her. But she liked the thought of his protection, especially since we didn't need it. She found it cute and I snorted another laugh.

'Regardless, Kit, know you are my heart and I love you. Keep your wits about you in my uncle's territory, and watch Dane. Once my uncle determines which of you is weaker, that's the wolf he will target. Every instinct I have wanted me to not tell you that, because I know you'll feign weakness to protect him, so please be careful. You appearing weak can be used to your advantage too. Be safe, and know we're rooting for you, my heart.

All my love,


Although I fought it, I buried my face in his sweater and sobbed. I cried for what we had, and for the family he offered. While tears escaped my eyes, I raged against my father and Kaden's uncle if he was the reason we had to separate. If I discovered the man was behind all the pain my mate suffered, he'd beg for the mercy of death. I had a mate to defend, and a pup. The gods would damn my soul long before I let anyone hurt either of them. And I would obliterate anyone who dared to try.

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