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I tried to swallow my nerves when I heard the king ask his daughter to introduce us so he could apologize, but I failed. My mouth dried because I feared he intended to snap my neck as soon as he got me alone. But I didn't want to risk Tansy, so I refused to clutch her like a shield to save my skin. I wanted to believe the king changed, because it would thrill Tansy to have a grandfather. However, I feared it was an act. He was cunning, and pretending to change would give him a chance to isolate me so he could end my life. Thus, he'd solve all his problems.

Kira's soft sobs of relief made my heart ache and I prayed the change was real. She'd cut him out of her life, I believed her when she said that, but it would wound her soul. Until I came into her life, she was the apple of her father's eye. So, it pained me to know I cost her a relationship she coveted. One she celebrated until I tarnished it. I wanted him to alter his course so his daughter would be happy. Not because it would make my life easier. No, I wanted to see her smile without any shadows haunting her eyes. She'd had them since I saw her in my uncle's torture cell. It spoke volumes that her father's hateful words affected Kira worse than what my uncle did to her.

Once Kira calmed, the king raised his gaze to meet mine and I straightened my spine while Tansy giggled. She'd lost her fear of him, but he terrified me. In his hands he held my future. His blessing would thrill Kira, since it would keep him in her life while we were together. I feared the only thing he intended to bless was my coffin. "You look just like Lyle," the king chuckled. "Except you have your momma's temper. She could swear like a sailor that one, then smile and curtsey with the grace of a queen. I can only imagine the fun your father had with you, since her temper often exasperated him."

Kira's expression was cautious, albeit hope burned in her eyes while she observed our interaction. I prayed her father wouldn't let her down, and I could rise to the occasion and make her smile. But the words the king chose to greet me with tore my heart to ribbons and I struggled to keep my expression from cracking. If I failed, it would reveal the festering wound inside my heart that never healed. I tried once to fix it, and hurt my mate which only made it worse.

A quiet sob pulled me from my musing and I eyed the king warily. "I'm sorry, Kaden. I'm so sorry. The day of your birth, I met with your uncle who claimed he needed to speak with me regarding urgent matters. Like a fool, I believed him, and stepped into his trap. I forgot that meeting until now, but it's no excuse. Your uncle ranted and raved about Lyle after his damn witch froze me in place. I raged against him, told him he was a pissant bastard, but it was no use. I couldn't break free. The witch cried when he made him bespell me. Tom threatened him with something. A future student, I believe. A little girl. His sister's unborn daughter if I remember right. And then I went fishing like nothing worth celebrating happened that day. I was excited to see you until that damn spell. I hoped you'd mate one of my daughters so our families would grow even closer. So, I planned to get to know you well to guess which of my girls would suit you. Hannah wanted to arrange playdates between you and our pups. My second youngest daughter is only a couple years older, so you two might have hit it off, until she grew obsessed with all things glittery. Kira was two when that happened and despised glitter. Everything that glittered made her growl and if it was papery at all she tried to eat it."

I stifled a laugh when Kira raised her chin, albeit her cheeks pinkened. The king smiled when he noticed, but didn't call attention to his daughter's blush. When he faced me again, he sighed. "The witch was a friend of mine, once upon a time. So, before I failed Lyle, I failed him. Still, he told me, 'when your daughter no longer tolerates the injustice you spread and puts you in your place it will weaken. But it will take your granddaughter confessing her love of you despite your hatred of her father to break the spell.' Not that I remembered it until now. Even when all was lost, my friend found a way to have my back. By the time Takir fell, I disliked Lyle. Which was so wrong. I bet he never told you. See, I was the most awkward pup my first day at school. Every pup I spoke to laughed and turned away, mocking me knowing I heard their cruel words. Yes, I was the son of powerful parents. All the more reason to taunt me when I was away from home where they couldn't protect me. The other two were the same. Awkward, shy, and reserved. One was bullied because the other pups hated his father's laws. The other was anxious and couldn't handle social situations. Lyle swooped in when he noticed, taking all of us under his wing and defending us to the other pups. 'Give them a chance,' he pleaded, and they did. Because everyone loved Lyle. Except Tom. Perhaps, it was because everyone else loved him that Tom despised Lyle. He and Takir were fast friends already, and poor Takir was shy since his pack wasn't rich by any means. They didn't scrape to get by, but they didn't even have access to the school, so he felt like an outsider. Lyle refused to let him hide in the shadows, and encouraged the four of us to stand tall with pride because we would change the world for the better. He wanted everyone to know us, and love us because we were fair, and kind. And I let him die."

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