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Kit no longer had to wear a bandage around her wrist four months after I released her from the tower. Her skin still had a slight green sheen to it, and a thin band of black where it was cracked. It no longer brought her pain though which was a relief. She'd relaxed during her stay and laughed whenever she desired instead of remaining stoic. I understood her need to if she was an enforcer for her father, but I hated that she swallowed her emotions to please the bastard. He probably didn't even realize she did it, the fool.

Marco arrived and I gave him a half smile since he appeared worn. He'd been deflecting the king's desire to demand I join the search which still continued. Some werewolves even searched the human's territory which I found shocking. Others looked over every crack and crevasse except my territory. My ally had joined them too which pleased me. I didn't want him dragged down because we had trade agreements and I promised to defend his territory if he needed aid.

"What brings you here looking so grim, cousin?" I greeted and his expression grew so severe I swallowed a rush of despair.

"I never told you, but I serve the king, Kade," he whispered and it took a moment but shock widened my eyes once I understood. "He sent me to demand you promise your aid. I-I have to tell him Kaden. I don't want to, but I must. I befriended the princess, when she saved my ass. Our uncle had done one of his nasty tricks again, and it drew her attention. Thus, she brought me before her father and requested that he let her look into things. They're not looking for the right dirty deeds yet, but they'll get there Kade. We can't stop him on our own, you know that as well as I do. They're our only hope. If I don't tell him and he finds out... our uncle will get away with it again. I'm sorry Kade. I love seeing you so happy, the princess too. She means the world to me, and I owe her my life. Hell, I owe her my soul because she put me back together. You once asked why you tolerate me again. The answer is your mate. She saved me and helped me become everything I am. I have to tell him and I'll betray the people I love most when I do. I hate this."

Swallowing hard, I put my hands on my distraught cousin's shoulders and shook him a little. "Stop, Marco. I put you in this position, not you. I did this. This is my fault and Kit won't blame you. Yes, I agree, you must tell him. Not because he's the only way our uncle will pay for his heinous crimes. Because from what you say the king gave you a purpose and a life beyond our uncle. So he's the reason you travel to packs? Are you his scout?' Marco nodded miserably, and I brushed the tears leaking from his eyes with a soft sigh. "Cousin, you know I'd trade anything for you."

"Not your mate. You shouldn't have to give up your mate. I've never seen her this happy, Kade. They don't see how lifeless she is in her father's pack. Her duty is all she has, her honor. You breathed life into her and it will kill me to see them suck it back out of her. Her father won't let you keep her, Kade. He'll kill you first. This is it, this is the moment the fairy tale ends and reality crushes everything in its wake. I know that's why you despise fairy tales, because they end. I'm sorry," Marco sobbed and I pulled him into a hug while fighting tears. So, I had far more to thank my mate for than I knew. She'd saved my cousin and returned him to me without knowing. I'd wondered why he was no longer a seething pit of hate one day, but a thoughtful young man walking the right path.

Resting my forehead against his, I swallowed then murmured, "tell him everything, Marco. It's better if he knows it all, than he finds out later you knew but didn't share. I don't want my terrible decision coming back to bite you in the ass. I won't be the reason you fall. Say you heard someone discuss it while you searched my fortress for me. Tell him so he never suspects you knew she was here for four months. God, what hurts the most is I could have been happy for six months longer if I wasn't so stupid. I guess I deserve my fairy tale ending. That's my punishment. Losing what I never knew I needed more than the air I breathe. How can I tell her?"

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