Chapter 1

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This is my first story so I will love if you gave me you honest oppions!! :)

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Chapter 1-----------

It was all a blur. I didn't know what was happening until it was already over. But then again it felt like it was happening in slow motion. All I wanted to do was erase the memory of that night from my head, but no matter how hard I tried it keep coming back. As if I didn't feel guilty enough about it. My skin was burning my mussels were stiff, there was the smell of blood everywhere including my own.

It's like I'm re-living that moment over and over again. But the times I re-lived it in my dreams before seems less painful than now.

It's all my fault. Every thing is my fault. The reason why my parents are in heaven when they should be with us. Laughing, cheering us up, having fun, telling us that It will be ok. But thanks to me that's never going to happen. Thing will never be ok.

The only way I could sleep is if I cry myself to sleep every night. But then I would just wake up anyways crying with sweet dripping across my face and my heart racing at a thousand miles per hour. Each day would be worst then the previous and the days that follow would only bring more regret and pain.

It should have been me who died, not them. My life was perfect before they left. I loved them so such. I just wish that they could just come back and stay forever. They were the only people I had beside my brother. The only people that ever knew me for me.

At this point in my dream the sirens were getting closer and I could see their bright lights flashing before I looked over in the front seat to see blood all over my dads. Then my mother opening and closing her eyes until they opened for the last time as she said. " I love you" in a faint whisper and then going unconscious just like my father did just seconds ago.

The last thing I say was "no" but I was so weak that it came out as a whisper. Then blackness.

At this point I was scream and shaking before there was a loud boom sound and then someone hands holding me down.

"Myra wake up!, It's just a dream!" someone yelled.

My eeys shot opened to see a worried looking Anthony hovering over me. I sat up and started to cry. Tears just took over and the pain was just horrible. I wish I could kill myself. I really wish I could but the only person that keeps me living is Anthony, my big brother.

The only person I have left to lose. He pulled me onto his lap as I cried into his chest. He whispered word like ' it's, ok' and ' everything could only get better from here'. But I knew that those word were lies. It's never ok and everything will never get better from here they will only get worst.

I didn't bother fight back knowing that I would only lose the battle.

After What felt Like hours of crying into his chest and blaming myself for everything my cries slowly stopped and I faded into blackness. Not surprise if I wake up again bawling from the same dream...the same horrible memories of the night of February 14th.


Ok this is my every first story soo give me your honest oppion... :)

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