Chapter 10

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Myra's P.O.V.

Waking up in some ones arm is not what I'm use to doing. Sleeping with some one else is also something I'm not use to also. So waking up with someone tightly holding me in their arms is extremely awkward for me.

I tried pushing there arms away but that didn't work. I tried squirming out their arms but that didn't work either. I didn't want to wake him up cause that would be rude. Plus, he looks cute when he sleeps, he looks relaxed. So for then next couple of minutes i just starred at him sleeping peacefully.

I wonder what he thought of me now? I wonder if he even wants to have anything to do with me? The only positive was that he didn't leave me like I would think he would. Honestly I'm not ready for a relationship, I just have to much on my plate. (When I mean to much I mean with the dreams and stuff.)

Plus, I barely knew anything about him only for the fact that he's my mate and he lives next door. I wanted to know his life story and how he ended up here. When his birthday was and How old he was. If he had brother or sister or if he is the only child. All these important stuff i should know, I don't know.

"Baby can you do me a favor?" he said with opening his eyes. i thought he was asleep.

"I thought you were asleep" I said. He sighed and then held me tighter.

"Yeah I was but your thinking woke me up."

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to wake you up. Maybe I should leave the room and you could finish sleeping." I was unwrapping his arm from around my waist but he just pulled me back.

"No I don't want you to leave me."

"Well ok" I laid back down and started playing with my fingers. He was to cute to say no to and i didn't mind being in his arms. But he'll never no that, now would he. He was starring into my eyes and then took his hand and starting to caress my cheek.

"look about last night. I didn't meant to over react about my dream." I said I felt like I had to explain myself to him, after all he is my mate he has to know sooner or later.

"It's ok.....What was your dream about?" he asked and I didn't want to answer.

"Umm, I don't remember, it to well." I said which was a lie! I could remember it perfectly clearly. If I went to sleep right now I bet I would have it again.

"It's ok, you'll tell me when your ready." How did he know I was lying? I thought my lie was pretty convincing. I just shrugged I guess I will tell him when I was really and that won't be for a while.

We didn't say anything for a while and the silence between us wasn't awkward or weird. It was comfortable. He started tracing the edge of my lips and then his hand went all the way down to my neck. he pushed the hair way from my neck making the mark he gave me exposed. He was starring at it before he brushed his fingers across it. I tried not to react but it was hard not to when he touched it. he doesn't no what effect he has on me.

"Good morning Sunshine..." the door bust open and Riley walked in. "Wow! I didn't know that....Well it looks like I'm interrupting something so...I'm leaving." she said before backing out the door and closing the door.

Jesse started to laugh and so did I. I could of swear we locked that door last night and the only person that know where the key is me and Riley. Uh! She did that on purpose. Wait! if Riley is here that means that Anthony must be with her. That's not good.

I stopped laughing got out the bed. Jesse looked at me confused then sat up. "Um, I think you should go." I said running over to the window and opening it.


"My brothers home and I don't want him seeing us like this." I started to push him towards the window but he was heavy and a lot stronger than me.

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