Chapter 21

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  • Dedicated to My Nephew Khalil * Happy Birthday!*

Happpy Birthday Khalil ( AKA Mr.KK!) Kiss, kiss & hug, hug. Now your a big number 4!

Here's 21! Only five more chapter until it's all over :) Please stay tuned! :D

Myra’s P.O.V.

All the way to the pack house I keep daydreaming about meeting his parents. I mean I don’t even know how they look but I think I could tell since I know how they’re kids look. 

One of his parents must have green eyes cause I seem to run in strongly in their gene’s. Another one of Jessie’s parents must have brown or black eye’s. They both or either one of them have to have brown or jet black hair.

I went over that in my head, putting the puzzle pieces together from the appearances of their kids. What would they say to me? How would they react? How would Jessie react when he found out that I meant his parents and Cole behind his back? 

Jessie---- he’s the least of my worries right now. Right now all I should be concentrating on his running into his parents. I’ll deal with Jessie when I get back home. 

Now we we’re driving on an old dirt rode. It’s already dark out side but I could see clearly. School is starting soon---- I wonder how people are going to react about Riley’s pregnancy. One thing I know is that they aren’t going to call her name because I will personal teach them a lessen. 

I bet if Anthony even senses that she terrified or scared he’ll come straight to the school just to find out and resolve the problem. We’re finally going to be seniors! Since I doubled up on classes last year I get to stay at school only for the morning. 

Riley did the same thing so right when it’s lunch we can go home and wouldn’t have to come back. I know Anthony will be able to support her even though they are young with Riley being seventeen and Anthony being twenty but he has a good job and this year is his last year of school. 

By the time he graduate and get a better paying job Riley will be having my grandson or daughter. It’s not fair, I want kids! But I’m going to wait to at least have kids when I’m done with high school and college.  Thinking about kids just makes me think of Jessie.

I know I said that I’m not going to think about him but I can’t help but let my mind linger to him. Having kids with him doesn’t sound like a good idea at the moment but I’m pretty sure that by the time I go home and get things resolved I’ll think differently. 

I wonder how our kids will look? Will they have my brown eyes or Jessie dark green one’s? One thing I know for sure is that they’re going to turn out with really dark brown hair. What will we name them? How many kids will we have?

I know that when ever we’re going to have children we are going to be ready for them and be able to spoil them like crazy. As. He’s currently looking for a job but first he has to talk to his peril officer. He’s going to college now to mayger in Marin biology 

“ Myra, we’re here.” Cole said looking over at me with a consternated look. I looked at him funny. I completely for got that we we’re driving---shoot I forgot he was here at all. “Oh…” I said and looked where we were. 

I looked out my window to see a huge wooden cabin that looked nice and cozy. Surrounding the cabin we’re many car’s. Then I remembered that we were at the pack house. Meaning that the Alpha was in there, many members of the pack and most importantly---Jessie’s parents. 

“ Are you coming out or what?” he asked looking down at him phone and typing something into the keyboard.  I guess he got a text message. I looked over at the cabin one last time before opening the car door and climbing out. 

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