Chapter XIV ~ ᛈ ( Perthro ) Part III - Uprise

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[ Oppression ]


It was when I opened the door & saw Michael's young, anxiety-ridden face in the dim porch lights that guilt began to gnaw at my innards, making me feel sick to the core. At the same time I had my four bloodsucking houseguests always in the back of my mind, painfully aware that ever since the incident at the Boardwalk Michael wasn't fond of either of them. The look he had given me upon watching us leave together was very much burned into my memory, & seeing him now only brought those unpleasant memories back.
Truth be told I was very surprised that he had come here at all, basically standing in front of the same door I had coldly slammed in his face a few days ago…
He barely knew me & yet he cared so much; how was I supposed to reject him again without seriously hurting his feelings & becoming an absolute b*tch myself in the process?

I swallowed that irritating lump in my throat, poking my head outside while keeping a firm hand on the door to ensure he couldn't catch a glimpse of the four vampires in the hallway. I only hoped the two chatterboys Paul & Marko would keep it down for the time being, but knowing them that was rather unlikely.

" Really not a good time... "

What followed was a long moment of awkward silence; Michael's eyes remained on me, soon drifting away from my face & down my frame, slightly widened & obviously eager to capture the entire image like a camera. His lower jaw dropped & it took him some time to collect himself before his eyes once again locked with mine.

"  ... You look beautiful, Lily. "

I blushed so hard & instantly, I didn't even have time to hide my face, the following wave of heat rolling across my cheeks & claiming every inch of it.
Fantastic. This only made the next events twice as awkward...
" Thank you... "

" I'm sorry I didn't call before coming over. It was a spur of the moment decision... "

" Please, don't worry about it… Still, I don't have much time right now, as much as I wish I had. "

He looked genuinely troubled, shifting from one foot to the other in a manner that made me even more nervous than I already was.
" Can I… Can I come in for a moment? "

Dropping my gaze I placed one foot against the door, almost out of instinct, worried that he'd try to get closer & eventually see the four bloodsuckers behind me.
" No, Michael. I… I'm sorry, but not today. Let us talk tomorrow, alright? Just give me a quick call & we'll meet up. "

" So you can ignore it or even send me away again..? "

Just like Michael's voice my heart sank at the remark, lying so heavy in my chest that breathing felt strangely uncomfortable. Despite the whistling winds in the branches I could hear that little tremor in his breath, his brows furrowing when he realized how harsh his response had been.

" ... I won't do it again, Michael. You have my word. "

" I want to believe you, Lily. I really do. But you have been acting so strange since... since that incident at the Boardwalk with those weirdos that nearly ran you over... "

" Michael, please. I-- "

" I have seen you with them yesterday evening... I have seen you leave with them like it was the most normal thing in the world, almost like they were your 'friends'. Not a bunch of cowards that were actively trying to kill you! "

" Mich--  "
But he was already standing right in front of me, his features now fully illuminated which allowed me to see all the concern & fear that had taken hold of it. He was deeply upset, & for a - at least from his point of view - damn good reason... Just how was I supposed to tell him that things weren't as they appeared to be & that he was more or less in the wrong in his accusations?

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