Chapter III ~ ᚦ ( Thurisaz ) Resistance & Reluctance

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" I am simply tired of life frowning down upon me in soulless derision..."

" At least you have a life, my dear... "


" Lily, what's the matter with ya?"

Sam's voice pulled me out of my thoughts after what felt like an eternity due to hundreds of questions entering my mind at once, letting the world around me practically vanish behind a wall of glass. It was weird how much Dwayne's sudden & unexpected disappearance affected me on a soul level, filling me with an emotion I remembered to be disappointment, initiated by a feeling of betrayal. A short stabbing sensation in my heart had me emit a gasp where I stood; it was something I hadn't felt in quite some time & I found myself wondering why it was even a thing to begin with... That encounter between Dwayne & me had been ten minutes long at best, most likely shorter, & literally everything I had come to know about him in that period of time was his name. How significant could a meeting that short possibly be? There had been no room to get attached in any form or way, especially not emotionally.

Chances were that he was yet just another pretty man with a radiant charisma who used his looks & intimidating persona to lure in women for the sake of a one-night thrill & of course, I had successfully fallen for it. Well, almost at least... In a sense Sam & Michael had come to my very 'rescue' before things could get too serious.

I spun around in my spot, moving very slowly so that I had enough time to get rid of my shattered expression & replace it with a more positive one.

" I'm fine, don't worry. I only thought that... Well... It's complicated..."

" You said there was someone else with you. So, where is he? Cause I didn't see anyone when we got here, Lily. But then again, it was so crowded..."

My breath got stuck in my throat for a brief moment.
" You...didn't see anyone with me? "

He only shook his head, glancing back over his shoulder at his brother to ensure that they were on the same page. Michael too responded by shaking his head & I allowed a sigh to fall from my lips, kind of questioning my sanity for a moment. But truth be told I was too hungry to worry any further at this stage, mildy saddened & - as I slowly came to notice - about to get a little tired as well.

I lifted the one hand I was still holding the food with that Dwayne had been willing to pay, letting it sway around before my eyes. Perhaps I should just eat & head back home right after. This evening had been rather anticlimactic anyway...

" It does no longer matter...
Hey, would you guys like to join me for dinner?"


It was just a tad colder down at the beach, or at least so it felt when Sam, Michael & I parted from the crowded Boardwalk in order to look for a fitting place to eat our food in peace. We settled for a nice spot near the water, a little further away from the amusement park & the incredibly noisy surfer boys who had clearly consumed way more alcohol than their bodies could take at this late hour.
I let myself down into the soft pearl-white sand below, facing the calm waters of the sea illuminated by a faint glowing moon. Though the ocean breeze was rather chilly it didn't feel cold at all thanks to the sand that was still emitting the warmth it had drawn from the sun during the day. I adjusted my white dress before placing the bag of food in my lap, the fingers of my left hand running through the sand; never before had I felt such fine grained sand...

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