Chapter V ~ ᚱ ( Raido ) Part II - Long Lost To Where No Pathway Goes...

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There was not much time for me to protest, let alone say anything at all, the strange boy already squeezing past me & aiming for the comic book store behind the board,  signalizing me with a swift motion of his hand to follow.
I looked around almost a bit lost before going after him without any second thoughts, somehow too addled & intrigued at the same time to question his behaviour. 

He held the door open for me like a gentleman as I entered, much to my surprise, dramatically waving with his other hand as if to welcome me to his kingdom.

        “ There you go, lass. Welcome to our personal oasis of unshared wisdom, knowledge & enlightenment! ”

The door slammed shut behind me, the shop bell ringing so loud that I flinched. I let my eyes wander around in silence, completely ignoring the boy who now towered right next to me, kind of anticipating my next move. 

There was a literal ocean of comic books in all colours & sizes as far as the eye could see, as to be expected in a comic book store that did not only look like the 80's but also smell like the 80's. I turned my head just enough so he wouldn't see that little smile I was smiling to myself; as cheesy as it looked at first glance, this store definitely had a certain charm to it. 

      “ So... You are already running your own business? That is pretty impressive... “

Eventually our eyes would meet again as he responded with but a simple nod before going for a little stroll around the store, lurking along the shelves. Except for me there weren't any other customers in sight just yet.

“ Well, it's actually our parents' business, but my brother & I are runnin' it, if you know what I mean... “

All I did was nod, beginning to explore around on my own while occasionally glancing over to the bandana kid who was without a doubt keeping a watchful eye on me the whole time. 

“ I wonder what kind of knowledge &... 'unshared wisdom' you are referring to though. All I see is comic books based on fiction & fantasy... Or am I just overlooking something? “

He suddenly looked upset, almost a bit offended. I arched a brow, continuing my little journey around the store. 

" You really don't have a clue yet, now do ya? " 

" … a clue about what? Mind you, this is getting a little weird. What's going on with all those missing people on that board? And of all people, why should you & your brother be able to protect me from disappearing too? "

" It's called experience, lass. "
Another voice ringing out from close behind me made me jump right where I stood.

" We've got all the knowledge there is to have.  "

Upon turning around I found myself looking at yet another boy of most likely the same age as bandana kid, only a handful inches taller & with short dark hair. My intuition told me that this was the infamous brother the other had been talking about...

" Alan Frog, at your service. "
A hand was extended my way & after a short moment of hesitation I took it for a surprisingly firm handshake. 

" And that weirdo over there is my brother - Edgar. Just in case he hasn't introduced himself yet ~ " 

Edgar's & my eyes met from a distance as I peered over once again. 

" I see... Well, pleased to meet you two. I'm Lilyora-Fay & moved here about two weeks ago. " 

" Lilyora? That doesn't sound American at all. " Edgar leaned against the counter, adjusting his bandana while eyeing me from head to heels like a security guard.

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