Chapter VI ~ ᚲ ( Kenaz ) Revelations & Light

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Exhausted, mentally drained & soaking wet from head to heels I arrived at the Frog brother's comic book store where the two eagerly awaited my return, or so it seemed, jumping off the counter upon seeing me enter, with the ringing doorbell as the only sound to disturb the silence. I locked eyes with them from the opposite site of the room; first with Alan, then with Edgar, letting them exchange a puzzled look before my own eyes drifted to the floor. They were only seconds away from exploding with questions, I could literally smell their curiosity, but I was in no mood for explanations of any kind, let alone for telling them what had happened. All I wanted to do was get home as quickly as possible so I had time to think, to process, & most importantly to rest.
My head felt heavy, as did my heart, & I felt the constant overwhelming urge to burst into tears right at the spot, yet even for that I was almost too tired. For some reason keeping my eyes open at all was already challenging enough.

Edgar eventually broke the silence, although with quite a whiff of reluctance in his voice.

“ What the hell was that about? “

I pushed several wet strands of hair out of my face, slowly noticing how cold it had become due to the thunderstorm. Wearing a completely rain-drenched dress didn't really make it better, especially not in my current condition.

           “ It's not important… I had to take care of something &... I remembered it much later than intended, that's all...”

“ Lass, you looked like you had seen a damn ghost! And correct me if I'm wrong but… didn't you also say that you heard someone call your name??”

“ I said it's not important, okay? I'm fine now, really. ”

Right. That voice...

After running into Dwayne on my way to the cliff I had completely forgotten about it. In fact, it had vanished without a trace the second he had crossed my path.

I listened closely but there was nothing to be heard, not even a subtle whisper. The voice was gone & for a moment I wondered if Dwayne's sudden appearance had something to do with it.
Now that I had some time to get my thoughts back in order & process the previous events I remembered that anxious glow in his eyes, the leeriness that had taken over his face as well as the dread in his voice.

His request to stay away from him had certainly been convincing, but the lack of sincerity in his words was still ringing in my ears & it bothered me to no end.
Why did I let him go? Why hadn't I been more tenacious in my own demands?
Why did I always allow things to just slide by so easily rather than take a leap of faith, even if things appeared hopeless at first glance? Appearances could be deceiving after all…

A hand landed on my shoulder & I gasped in shock, finding myself face to face with Edgar as I lifted my head.

" Alan told me you were asking quite a few peculiar questions about vampires earlier… I wonder why that is, since you claimed to not believe in their relations to the incidents that have taken place here in Santa Carla.

Apparently you've been acting weird afterwards too ~ "

" ~ twice as weird if we count your little awkward runaway-tantrum or whatever you like to call it, lass. "
Alan emerged right next to me quietly as a ghost, brows furrowed by what I assumed was distrust.
" Which brings us to the conclusion ~ "

" ~ that there is something you're not telling us. And the reason you're not telling us about it is because you know it could get you into trouble! "

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