Chapter IX ~ ᚺ (Hagalaz) Part II - Through Trial & Tears...

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I sat there on Dwayne's bed with my fingers clenched around the sheets, nervously shifting from one side to the other & glancing over my shoulder up to the window in the ceiling almost every five seconds, my heart filled to the brim with anticipation as well as dread. I had long lost my sense of time, found it impossible to tell for how long Dwayne had already been absent & it caused my anxiety to stretch beyond imagination, making the wait more & more difficult to endure.

There was neither a voice nor a sound to stir the night, everything was silent in & outside the tower's walls. Obviously I kept wondering why, various images of possible scenarios beginning to materialize in my mind & coming to life.

Had something happened to Dwayne? Had one of his bloodthirsty comrades perhaps settled for direct confrontation as a sign of revenge for his betrayal & harmed or even killed him in the process? And if so, would they eventually come for me too since they were already long aware of my whereabouts? Or had his attempts to persuade them actually been successful & moved me out of harm's way at last?
One could only assume so much which was a sickening thing to acknowledge, my heart pounding so hard between my ribs that I had no choice but to get up & pace around the room to get rid of the adrenaline in my veins. My trembling fingers ran through my hair, feeling the scar on the left side of my scalp where the surgery had been performed several years ago.

I shivered, my eyes scanning the area on the other side of the window one more time before disappearing behind heavy eyelids while a long breath filled my lungs with new oxygen, my hands folding above my chest to assist me during my breathing exercise, falling & rising with each inhalation.

After the third breath I began to whisper the lines of a song dear to my heart, written in my native tongue & blessing me with the sense of calm I so desperately needed that moment:

" Eg var og eg er vind,
         eg er vinda, vevja, hapt og tvinnar ~ "

A gentle wind blew across the room, caressing my warm cheeks like a soft pair of hands, its fingers traveling further down my throat & towards my still heated chest, each breath that followed removing the tension & fear that inhabited my body a bit more….

" Eg var og eg er vind,
          eg er vinda, vevja, hapt og tvinnar ~"

I repeated, noticing an unusual yet very soothing & deep sough close to my ear; it reminded me of the sound of wind that lurked between the mountains in the midst of a frost-bitten winter, chasing aimlessly through the valley & past the snow-covered fjords before sinking into the arms of a slumbering glacier...

Yes, it reminded me of my homeland, & it planted a fragile smile on my lips despite the grim environment & rather troubling circumstances.

The wind grew fiercer & once again my lips drifted apart to release the lines my soul felt drawn to, however this time I was actually singing, my voice breathy yet crystal-clear:

" Eg var og eg er vind,
         eg er vinda, vevja, hapt og tvinnar.
Ser eg, er eg alt,
         vil eg, vinn eg alt ~"

Slowly yet surely the wind began to cease down until it faded completely, giving way to what felt like a warm summer breeze accompanied by the heavy scent of vermouth & smoke; a little too overwhelming at first, but after two breaths on my part I deemed it quite appealing, so much that I drew in even more of it.

Something slid under my chin, cold & smooth in touch, lifting my head the same moment a familiar voice entered my ears & caused me to freeze in terror.

Swan Song || The Lost Boys - & The One Who Found Them...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt