Chapter I ~ ᚠ ( Fehu ) New Beginnings

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I wasn't entirely sure what exactly it was that pulled me out of my sleep, whether it was my alarm or the gentle yet persistent knocking on my front door, but whichever it was, it did a marvelous job.

Darkness surrounded me; not because it was still night outside, but because I had closed the curtains so that not even a single sunbeam was able to enter the sanctities of my bedroom. Not that I wasn't fond of the sun or anything like that, I did in fact cherish warm weather & bright sunny days, but for some reason waking up was a slow & almost exhausting process for me & I simply had to take my time every single morning. The last thing I needed was a sun eager to blind me before I had even opened my eyes.

I sat up straight in my bed & looked over at my nightstand where my phone would usually spend the night, the more bewildering the fact that my phone was nowhere to be seen. My already tired & still sleep-stained eyes narrowed in confusion as I turned around to search my bed, lifting several silken blankets & pillows only to find the book I had been reading the night before:

How Falling In Love With A Vampire Saved My Humanity

I grabbed the book & flipped it in my hand a couple of times like I was seeing it for the very first time.
Why was I reading this again? Surely not because I was so into blood-soaked romance, aka vampire stuff. It was probably the title that had caught my attention when I had first stumbled upon it in my local bookstore during my search for books about philosophy, metaphysics & human psychology. There was something to the human mind & the way it worked in general that intrigued me, especially since my own mind had been tested & transformed in the process plenty of times throughout my life. The idea of changing as an individual by falling in & out of love was nothing new to me, however falling for an entity that was much closer to being an animal - if not even what others liked to call a 'monster' - than to being human & suddenly questioning one's own humanity while doing so was such a bizarre yet not unrealistic concept. It always brought me back to the infamous saying ' those who seek the light have to face the shadows first ' which certainly a lot of people could somewhat identify with.

I literally jumped in my bed when another episode of rhythmic knocks on my front door pulled me out of my thoughts. My ridiculously short attention span never failed to amaze me; I had already forgotten about my 'surprise visitor'.

               " Coming! ", I shouted with a still sore voice, tossing the book aside.

Crawling to the edge of the bed I quickly adjusted my night dress before grabbing a bathrobe from the hook on my door, throwing it around my slender frame. The second I opened the door to the hallway I was greeted by the sun thanks to all the other drapes in my house being wide open & froze for a second, blinking away the remains of slumber. The scent of warm old timber filled my nostrils; it was something I wasn't quite used to yet but enjoyed nonetheless.
Stumbling forward like a half-blind mole I placed a hand on the railing as I made my way down the stairs to ensure I wouldn't fall in my drowsy state & within a few seconds I had already reached the front door. When the realization that I was barefooted, with ridiculously messy hair & probably still pale as a corpse like pretty much any morning struck me I had already unlocked & opened the door. It was quite the brave act since the person outside could've been anyone at this ungodly hour, moreover, given that my house was located outside the city caution should actually be one of my top priorities. Some part of my subconscious apparently still believed in the good in people & in the good only...

I shrieked when instead of another person I found myself eye to eye with an unusually big fox as well as a gigantic pair of deer antlers, almost tripping over my own foot while drawing away from the entrance .

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