Chapter XIV ~ ᛈ (Perthro) Part I - Uprise

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Warning: Mild Adult Content/
Mentioning Of Sex

[ Obsession ]


" The world is made of wolves & sheep,
with one devouring the other -
it has always been that way... "

Uprising - 'Uprise'


[ Through David's Eyes ]

Moans. Lustful, lucid moans & cries of pleasure, each even more salacious & louder than the previous one. They seemed to drip off the walls & contaminate every corner of the cave until all the other noises were completely drowned out, even the roaring waves outside.

Feeling myself grow weaker I leaned back with a sigh & shut my eyes, watching the world as I knew it sink into the void. Soon there was nothing but impenetrable darkness, & while the darkness in front of me kept on stretching like the corners of a gaping mouth ready to devour the moans which had already poisoned the air around me drew closer & became significantly louder, fueling my inner rage.
A dull noise ensued when my head dropped into the cavern's wall, my closed eyes now pointed at the ceiling. A cold draft from the entrance caressed my heated face, the smell of salt & rotten kelp tickling several fibers & nerves in my nose. I genuinely hoped it'd help distract me from those relentless lascivious melodies that I had to endure, but my hopes were for naught. They knew no remorse & continued to drive me mad... Continued to drive me wild.

They continued to stir my own hunger & lust beyond reasonable comprehension.

" You are mine ~ "
I heard my own voice penetrate the darkness, like a spear wrapped in silk.
" You are mine alone, Lily.



And with that I allowed her song to consume me too, gave her permission to possess & guide me through the minutes to come while reveling in the purity & sweetness that was her voice.
The picture of Lily's face began to assemble before my inner eye, distorted in unbridled pleasure, marble-white cheeks flushed & eyes shut tightly, only flinging open for a second or two to meet mine.
And then there was her body, delicate & fragile just like her heart but oh so enticing, beautiful; a sight to tame my vengeful thoughts, & be it only for this one moment.
Slave to my shameless fantasies I took in every single inch of her, the distant yet still so otherworldly tangible image gradually burning itself into my brain. I yearned to reach out & touch her still mortal flesh but the realization that she was not actually here immediately shook me out of my trance.

A sharp pain flooded my jaw as my fangs pierced my bottom lip, the inside of my mouth filling with the taste of salt & iron when blood began to trickle across the surface of my tongue. A moan stirred the air, one I recognized it as my own once the desire to follow Lily's trail & finally bring her home threatened to gnaw its way through my mind like a parasite.
But I couldn't give in to it. Not yet.

" It's too soon.
      Way too soon... "

With all the willpower I could possibly muster up in my current state I forced my eyes open, destroying the picture of Lily as well as the sheer uncontrollable urge to make her mine from one moment to the next.
My breath went heavy & slow, as did my heart, my fangs retracting once the illusion had fully shattered. An illusion that had felt so real, I had nearly lost myself in it...

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