Chapter 24

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A/N: Filler chapter. Really recommend playing the song while reading.

"Goodbye, goodbye now
I just can't say those words"
So long - Paul Kim (Hotel Del Luna OST)

King Tan Suttirat walks through the prison hall. His footsteps echo the silence hall. All the guards bow their heads when the king walked by them. Tan reaches his target prison cell at the end of the hall, where it usually hold the most dangerous criminal. One of the guards scans his fingerprint and iris to unlock the door. Tan signals his Royal Guards to stay outside, then he steps in.

The prison cell has nothing beside a toilet and a long chain. There is no window at all. The only light source is from a single bulb on the middle of the ceiling. Its purpose is clear, whoever being detained here deserved nothing but death. Prince Tul is currently sitting soulless on the floor, his leg is chained up. It pained Tan to see his brother in this state. Somewhere in his mind, he still helplessly hopes that the mastermind is not his brother. However, the sight slaps him hard, reminding him that this is reality.

Tan steps deeper into the cell, standing two feet right in front of Tul. Only then, Tul snaps out of his thoughts and looks up. His eyes instantly filled with hatred at the sight of Tan.

"Such an honor to see Your Majesty before my death!" Tul's words filled with sarcasm.

Tan ignores his brother's remark instead. "Your daughter's title is striped off. I sent her to the countryside and stay with my retired subordinate. She will no longer able to return to the capital. She will be on-watch for the rest of her life. All your properties are donated to charity. All your followers will also be punished based on nation law." Tan delivers his news to his brother.

"ENOUGH! Enough with your fake humanity and warm heart. You are nothing but a faking hypocrite. Why not killed us all?" Tul screams accusation against his brother.

"Hypocrite? Tell me dear brother. What had I done to be called a hypocrite? For all that I know, you are my fucking brother. I tried to reach out for you throughout the years, tried to mend the distance between us. Yet, you refused. Then, you created a terrorist group and tried to kill Alethea's citizens and your own family for the throne. Brother, I would not hesitate to give up this crown on my head if you would have tell me you want it."

"I don't want your damn throne. I loathed you and your damn hypocrite self. I hate your fucking disgusting law for gender equality. Ha! The last time I checked, you hate homosexual. I LOST HIM BECAUSE OF YOU."

"What the hell are you talking about Tul? Who do you mean?" Tan confusedly asks his brother.

"Don't act like you don't remember Bas."


"Yes, Bas. My one and only love. You snitched to Father about our relationship. You knew he hated homosexuals. But you told him. He sent men out to killed Bas and he died. All because of YOU. And now you suddenly act like you approve of homosexuals and other LGBTQ because of your sons. Fucking disgusting. I want my revenge. If I could not be happy with the man I love then no one else can, especially your sons. I WOULD NOT WATCH YOU ENJOY YOUR HAPPINESS WHILE I'M SUFFERING!!!" Tul screams out his frustration, his anger, his hatred to his brother.

"I snitched to Father? I have been fighting against him for your relationship. You don't think Father could have found out your relationship on his own? He had ears and eyes everywhere. He tried to force you into marriage with a daughter of Duke Ronjanot and forced Bas to leave the country by holding Bas's family as hostages. When I knew about his plan, I tried to convince Bas to stay hidden while I would convince Father to change his mind. Before I could get to Bas, Father already got his paws on Bas and killed him off in a fake car accident. Luckily I was able to save his family and sent them away, far from here."

"Then why you tell me this now? Why you didn't let me know about all this years ago? Do you want me to give you gratitude for all the things you have done before I died? Because I won't."

"You never listen to me Tul. I tried to be your brother. I tried to talk to you but you always pushed me away. Your jealousy and insecurities held you back from trusting me. I would have done anything for you Tul."

Money. Power. People fight for these things in this cruel world. Thousands... no millions.... no billions of people out there would trade their lives to be in Royals' shoes. Yet, none of them know the apple is rotten inside, despite the beautiful red skin.

Does Tul regret his actions after the revelation? Maybe. But it is too late for that now. Nothing can fix the mess they are in. At this moment, Tul is ready to receive his punishment. Death.

However, death is the easiest punishment for him. He will no longer experience the guilt for the rest of his life. He will able to see his loved one on the other side, if there is even one. His daughter, on the other hand, had to live the rest of her life in abandonment as the traitor's daughter. Really, Tul got the easy way out.

Tan, who no longer able to stand the painful sight in front of him, turns around to leave the room.

"Goodbye!" He whispers his last word to his brother.


Kao maneuvers his way around the graveyard, being extra careful to not step onto any gravestone. His steps are light despite the heavy military backpack on his back, perhaps already used to the weight after years of being in the military. His boots are getting dirtier with each step he took due to the wet ground. It is still raining, yet he gives it no thought. This will be the last time he visit his mother's grave before he leave. After today, who knows when he will be back here.
Kao reaches his mother's grave, right underneath the oak tree. His mother had asked to be buried here before she died. Kao kneels down and dusts the few leaves on the gravestone. His fingers caress the picture on the stone.

"Mother, I'm here!" Kao gives his greeting.

He bows his head down to the ground for a few seconds then come back up. "This is my apology to you for not keeping my promise. I have tried my best to listen to father; but, I can't continue to do it any longer. For once, I have decided to put myself first. I can't stand watching the person I love being hurt. His happiness is my happiness. When he is sad and hurt, I feel like my heart is being ripped apart. I just want to see him happy. This way, my heart can be at peace as well. You see mother, his smile shines my world. If only..." Kao takes a deep breath, trying to stop his tears from falling. "If we are not in this mess, I would have bring him to see you. You would like him, mother. He is the sweetest soul in this cruel world. I love him, mother. I love him a lot and I can't stand to hurt him mother." Kao sobs. He can't hold his tears any longer. The pain on his chest intensified.

He cries and cries, wailing for his broken heart, for his relationship. There is only one person who can glue the pieces together; but, he is too sinful to have that person by his side. He is a devil, meanwhile, Earth is an angel. A devil cannot stay by an angel's side. His darkness would stain the light of Earth. He has to leave for Earth's happiness.

Kao takes a deep breath, trying to calm down. Then, he bows down once again. "This is my goodbye. I'm not sure when I will be back again. Please forgive your bad son, mother."

With that, he stands up and walks away. A gentle wind blows by, caressing his hairs.

"Stay strong my son. Your happiness will be with you soon." 

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