Chapter 5

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A/N: Here is KaoEarth :)

"Hello, Hello. I may be rushing a bit.
Who knows? We might end up doing well"
Hello - SHINee

It has been a week since the King gave Earth the folder of suitors. There were 10 people, all belong to high-rank officers or high titles in court. He knew all of them and even talked to some a few times in some Royal events. It was weird for him to think that one of the guy would be his life partner. Since that day, he went on 8 dates. Each time he finished, his disappointment entered the next level. All these guys are either full of themselves, too distracted (with god knows what), or too scared to even face him. Is he that intimidated? He wonders if his parents made some mistakes in choosing these men. He doesn't think any of them would help him in his leadership at all; except, the fact that their families hold some kind of resources that help the country.

There are only two suitors left. He sighed when he thinks of this. If they all turned out bad, he would have to suffer all of his life if he marry one of the men. He needs to talk to his parents again if tonight doesn't turn out well. He is meeting the last 2 suitors at the event tonight. It is a farewell/celebration party for a Thailand foreign minister. Alethea and Thailand just successfully signed a military deal with each other. Thus, all the attenders are high officers of all branches of the armed forces. The last 2 suitors are sons of 2 Dukes that hold military power in Navy and Marine Corps of Alethea. Earth will meet them somehow during the event. He has no high expectation at all; after all, the last 8 dates already made him gave up. After his maids helped him put on the crown, he looked at the mirror one last time. He is wearing a navy suit with white dress shirt. The event tonight is not fully formal so he doesn't have to wear a tie or medals tonight. He heaves a sigh and puts on a smile, cross finger for tonight. Then, he leaves his room. 

Earth steps out of the dance floor. He felt like his ears just bleed from his suitor's chatter. The whole dance, the son of Duke Tapan of the Navy, Steve, talked about himself, his achievements, his property, and his ideal marriage life. It seems that he wants to show Earth that he is better than all of his competitors. It is a date, not a freaking job interview. Earth did not say a thing the whole time. It's not like that guy is gonna care, he seems to enjoy his own voice the whole dance. 20 minutes on that dance floor had felt like 2 years worth of meetings he had attended. He needs a break before he meet the last suitor. He wonders if he can skip it; after all he doesn't want to deal with another chatter.

The event tonight is at the Grand Hall of the Royal Palace. It was built in the 1900s by the 45th King of Alethea. The King loved Western architecture at the time; thus, the hall was decorated like one of those England Palace. It is a big hall on the second floor of the East Wing of the Palace. There are at least 5 doors with balconies facing the front garden of the Palace. Earth sees that the last balcony is unoccupied, he heads toward it while politely greeting a few guests on the way.

He takes a deep breath of the fresh air when his feet step into the balcony. The autumn air is cool, the scent of flowers fill his nose. It is quieter out here than the hall, allows him to enjoy the mental break and relax a little bit before he has to go back. After about 5 minutes, Earth was about to head back inside when he feels a presence beside him. He looks over and startled. The person beside him is no other than his last suitor, Kao Naoppakao. He is the son of Duke Dechaphatthanakun, who is holding the main power in Marine Corps. Rumor has it that Kao is a cold person. He grew up in the military setting, understood all the military strategies since he was 15 years old, was even trained in the Special Force of Alethea for 2 years. Earth saw him once during the graduation ceremony for Special Force soldiers. He didn't expect Kao to approach him.

"A nice view you are enjoying, Your Highness!" Kao speaks.
Earth doesn't say anything but just smile. The next thing Kao say shock him again. "You don't seem like you are enjoying the night."

Earth was speechless. For the first time, Kao is the first one who seems to read his mood, out of all 9 suitors. As a Crown Prince, he had became really good at hiding his emotions. Beside his family, everybody is fool by the mask he put up. He didn't think Kao could see how he feels.

"Why do you think so?" Earth replies, neither agree nor disagree.

"Well, after the dance with Steve, you kinda "run away" from him." Kao replies, making a quote sign with his hands, a gesture he had seen but never done before until this moment.

"Hum, stalking me much?" Earth lifts up an eyebrow in a questioning way.

"I wouldn't say stalking, but observing. Beside who can turn away from looking at a dashing person." Kao teasingly answer, but it is true that he thinks Earth looks charming. "Ah, finally you smile. You look even better now."

"I wasn't smiling, just an itch on the face makes me lift up my lips." Earth doesn't know why, but he is even more relax with the the teasing of Kao. The way Kao looks at him sincerely, without any expectation (another first unlike the other suitors) make him feel a little warm inside.

"So where is my place in this competition?" Kao cooly ask Earth.

"I see you are trying to ask about your competitors."

"Well, I just hope I'm not making you feel bored with my talking, after all I grew up talking only about war."

"Haha, I feel you honestly about the war talk, political talk is no fun either. But no, you are fine, just be yourself. I'm not gonna eat you."

"I think talking about eating each other is too soon for a first date, Your Highness!" Kao winks, which make Earth blushes a little. Kao makes him off guard again, who said this person is cold? He is teasing Earth the whole time. Earth doesn't mind it though. Kao is treating him like a regular person, teasing him without a single fear of punishment. During this moment, he feels like he is just a normal person, going a normal date with a normal guy. All his responsibilities, titles, and even the Crown on his head are currently not on his mind. He is fully enjoying this conversation.

They talked for another 10 more minutes, mainly about basic things on what you like and don't like. They don't forget to tease each other here and there. Both were really enjoy their little date, until Earth's security guard said that his father is looking for him.

"I have to go back in now. Say, Kao, are you free next Friday morning?" Earth asks.

"I leave for Bailey City on Friday night, so yes I'm free in the morning."

"Well, I am planning to go hiking at the Albania trail near the palace. Would you like to accompany me?"

"My pleasure, your Highness!" Kao shyly smile.

"Great! Then I will see you at 6:30 at the entrance and just call me Earth when it's just us is fine. Have a good rest of the night."

"Thank you and you too, Earth!" Kao reaches for Earth's hand and give it a gentle kiss. Earth shyly walks away. He couldn't help but blush at the gesture. It is just a normal etiquette, he had his hands kissed all the time. Somehow, when Kao did it, he just feel shy.

For the rest of the night, the Crown Prince's smile is more sincere than ever.

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