10 | Origami Swan

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how are you guys? how was your christmas if you celebrate it? hope you have great holidays!

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Charms was the first period after lunch. By the time she arrived at the classroom with Adrien and Montague, the twins were, surprisingly, already there. Fred noticed their arrival and that Y/n was looking at them. The two made brief eye contact before Y/n looked away, trying to calm the weird feeling in her stomach.

She knew what it was - recently, she's been feeling . . . different around Fred. She knew she was most likely developing feelings for him. It's not like she was surprised, Fred's nice, and funny, and smart - to some extend - and handsome. They've been friends for a long time, too, even if not that close. He's been especially nice since the beginning of the year, too . . .

Shaking her head, she sat down next to Adrien on one of the benches that was right across from Fred, George and Lee. She took out her book and put her arms over it, laying her head on them and closing her eyes for a second, trying to clear her head.

That was until something light collided with her head.

She rose up, looking around and noticing an origami swan laying on her desk. She quirked an eyebrow and looked around, noticing Fred doing some weird gestures from the other side of the room. Furrowing her eyebrows, she pointed at the swan, mouthing the words 'Is this from you?'

Fred nodded eagerly before leaning back in his seat, awating her reaction. Y/n looked down at the origami, then at Adrien and Montague, who seemed to be in a deep conversation about something she didn't care about at the moment, then back at the origami. She unfolded the paper and read Fred's slightly messy handwrithing.

Would you like to go to Hogsmade together next weekend? George and Lee are going to be busy.

Y/n felt that giddy feeling inside her stomach again, along with the warmness in her cheeks. Was this supposed to be a date or something?

She looked up, meeting Fred's eyes and giving him a nod. A smile stretched on the boys' face before his brother asked him something, causing Fred to divert his attention from Y/n to George.

Professor Flitwick arrived to class not too long after, beginning the class. ''Good morning, students. Today, we'll be learning a new spell, which will be our topic for the next few lessons - the Bubble-Head Charm.

The Bubble-Head Charm is used to allow a person to breathe underwater. An enormous bubble appears around the head of the person casting the spell, which makes their features look-''

There was a knock on the door, which interrupted Professor Flitwick. The teacher told the person to enter and, to Y/n's surprise, it was her younger brother standing at the door.

''Excuse me, Professor Flitwick,'' Sam apologized, feeling kind of awkward under so many sixth-year students' gazes. ''I was asked to retrieve Fred Weasley. It's about the Triwizard Tournament.''

''Ah, yes, of course,'' Flitwick said and looked at the mentioned boy. ''You're excused, Mr Weasley.''

Fred quickly packed his belongings, glad to have an excuse not to be in class - Flitwicks' lecture was the last thing he needed right after lunch.

As Sam waited for Fred to get ready, he looked around the classroom, noticing his sister. The two made eye contact and waved at each other. Fred made his way to the first year and the two quickly left the classroom.

''Did they tell you what they need me for?'' asked Fred, putting a hand in his pocket.

Sam shook his head. ''No, they just told me to bring you,'' he said. ''Oh! You're friends with Y/n, right?''

Fred nodded. ''Yeah, why?''

''Could you give her something from me, then?'' asked Sam. ''I can't get a hold of her.''

''Sure,'' Fred answered.

Sam put his hand in the pocket of his robe, quickly fishing out a letter with Y/n's name on top. Fred took it and put it in his bag carefully, not to ruin it.

Fred and Sam arrived at the Potions classroom and picked up Harry as well before they headed to wherever they were supposed to meet with the other champions. 

The classroom they were in was fairly small; most of the desks had been pushed away to the back of the classroom, leaving a large space in middle; three of them, however, had been placed, end to end, in front of the blackboard, and covered with long length of velvet. Five chairs had been set behind the velvet-colored desks, and Ludo Bagman was sitting in one of them, talking to none other than Rita Skeeter, who Fred very well recognized.

Y/n was glad when Charms finally ended - usually, Fred would make something silly to entertain her during class, even if he was sitting across the room. Today though, he wasn't there, so it was rather boring. They didn't even get to actually practice the new Charm they'd learned about, which didn't make the class more fun.

Adrien and Montague told Y/n they had something to do, at which Y/n took the hint they wanted to be alone. She wondered what they were going to do, but didn't want to butt in their business.

She yawned as she walked towards the Slytherin common room. If someone hadn't put their hands on her shoulders, she would've walked straight into a wall, as she wasn't looking at where she was going.

''Bloody hell, Y/n, you should be more careful,'' Fred spoke as he took his hands off Y/n's shoulders.

''Oh, hey, Weasley,'' Y/n said as she turned to face him. ''What'd you get called for?''

''They had to check if our wands work and to take pictures for the Daily Prophet, nothing spectacular,'' said Fred. The two were now standing in the rather deserted hallway, Y/n leaning against the wall, much like they had on Hallowe'en. ''Nothing too spectacular. Did I miss something in class?''

''Since when does Fred Weasley care about class?'' asked Y/n, causing Fred to chuckle. ''Nothing much, really. Flitwick just talked the whole time.''

''Sounds boring. Oh! Your brother gave me something for you,'' Fred spoke as he opened his bag, reaching in and shuffling through his stuff for the letter. He quickly found it, thankfully still intact, and handed it to her. ''Here.''

''Oh, thank you,'' she said, reading her name on top of it. She then quickly pocketed it and looked back at Fred. ''So, we're going to Hogsmade together?''

Fred felt his ears getwarmer. ''Yeah, I suppose so,'' he said. ''We've never really hung out with each other, just the two of us.''

''Yeah . . .''

The whole situation felt too much like Hallowe'en, and Y/n wasn't sure if she wanted to run away from there or stay and see where this will go.

''I think I should go,'' Fred said and before Y/n knew it, he'd brought her into a quick hug. By the time she realized what had happened, he was already running down the hallway, yelling a 'bye!'

Y/n simply snorted at the boy's action, trying her best to ignore the upturning of her stomach.

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