Horror's Day 3

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If there was ever a day to be nervous, today was that day. Nightmare, Horror, Killer, Dust, and Error gave you a quick run down on Horror's home universe and rules and things to look out for there. Now you realize why Horror's name is what it is.

"Remember to breathe, sugar." Horror mutters, rubbing your back in a form of comfort. "I'll be there the entire time, and if not you can call Nightmare, Error, and Cross if you need help."

You nod shakily, hugging your Nightmare plush close to your chest. You take a deep breath in and scoot closer to Horror. "'M ready now."

Horror nods and picks you up, carrying you through the rift into the cold, empty forest just outside Snowdin.

Immediately, you can see how this universe was different from Red and Black's. First and foremost, there was blood everywhere, on top of that the very air around you screamed danger and betrayal. The trees seemed more crooked and twisted giving the area a haunting feel, and the shuffling in the forest promised nothing but death.

You latched onto Horror immediately, feeling nervous and in danger. "H-how long is this going to take..?" You mumble, scanning your surroundings constantly. You felt almost as if you father was going to come back from the dead suddenly and attack you.

"Hopefully, only about an hour." Horror says, keeping his eye forward and keeping a strong grip on you. "But, it could last for about five if I'm unlucky."

You nod and allow yourself to be guided through the forest by Horror, jolting when you hear footsteps down the way. Horror on the other hand smiles relieved. "That must be my brother. No one else comes out here."

Sure enough, a taller, and crooked looking skeleton appears further down the road. "SANS! THERE YOU ARE! IS THAT YOUR BOSS'S CHILD? IT IS WONDERFUL TO MEET YOU, (Y/N)!"

You smile softly at the energetic and friendly skeleton. "Hi." You say, giving the taller skeleton a small wave. "Sup, bro. Where's fish face?"

That seems to spark some recognition in the taller skeleton as he stands up straighter and suddenly turns around. "AT THE HOUSE. THE QUEEN INSISTED THAT SHE WAIT THERE FOR YOU AS I GO GET YOU. SHE IS MOST DISPLEASED, ALTHOUGH I DON'T EXACTLY KNOW WHY. WE GAVE HER THE REQUESTED TAXES, SO ALL SHOULD BE WELL."

"She's just being greedy, bro. Don't worry about it." Horror waves off his brother's concern. "I'll take care of everything, just need ya ta watch the little bit here."

Horror's brother looks down at you, and gives you a bright smile. "AS I SAID BEFORE, IT IS WONDERFUL TO MEET YOU, I AM PAPYRUS SANS' YOUNGER BROTHER AND YOUR GUIDE FOR TODAY!"

You giggle and smile up at him. "Thank you, Papyrus. I hope we can have some fun together!"


You smile and pat Papyrus' face in a show of affection. "Okay!"


You glance around the town from atop Papyrus' shoulders. You notice that everyone is staring at you, and it's making you slightly uncomfortable. Horror seems to notice this, and gives the residence of Snowdin a warning glare.

Once they look away, you let out a small, relieved breath. They were glaring at you like you were going to be their next meal. "HERE WE ARE SMALL GUEST! OUR HOME!"

You glance up at the small two story cabin that the two brother's reside in. "Oh. It's nice!" You say, watching Horror unlock and open the door, giving the blue fish woman with red hair a glare.

Black Roses (Overprotective!Bad Guy Sans' x Child!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now