Killer's Day 3

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*Red (And the Sans/Before Killer in this chapter)

No pov~

You open your eyes again awoken by frantic shaking. You glance over to find Killer shaking you awake, a tray of breakfast in his other hand. "Morning. Since today's our last day I decided to make you breakfast in bed... And by that I mean I grabbed the breakfast Horror made you and stuck it on a plate and brought it in here." You smile at him slightly and sit up. "Thank you bro." You say taking the tray from his hands. "... We... We are talking about what happened... Right?" You ask looking up at Killer nervously. Killer sighs rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah... Sit down kid, it's a long story."


A Sans stands in the judgement hall of his universe when his Chara offers him an unusual deal.

"Hold on Sans, I have a deal for you."

The Sans looks at the Chara with pain filled eye, unsurprised. While any other Sans may find this unusual, he does not. He has been offered this exact same deal over 23,465 times.

"My deal is: If saved in time, would you kill with me Sans? Try something new."

The Sans had said no, plenty of times before. But...

"Your smile is so fake now. But it wasn't always like that. No... At the beginning your smile was genuine. But... After I Reset for the first time... Oh~ when I went back!"

The Sans sighs. "*Stop. Just... Stop. I've heard this speech too many times. Pretty sure I have it memorized by now. You know, you really are determined kid. And... You got me. I can't keep doing this. So... I'll try it."

The Chara grins. They can't believe it. They did it!

"Alright, but no takes backies."

The Sans sighs and nods. "*I know how it works." He takes the demon's hand.

--Reset 1--

Sans helps Chara kill everyone. He is filled with self hate.

--Reset 8--

Sans is now filled with regret. He is slow to kill everyone.

--Reset 47--

Sans has begun to get frustrated with how easily they can kill everyone.

--Reset 85--

Sans has started to enjoy killing. He has started to loose attachment to his friends and family.

--Reset 890--

Sans and Chara walk down Judgement Hall when the Sans doubles over in pain, clutching his chest. "*C- Chara... I do- n't feel so good..."

"Hmm? Oh! It looks like it's finally happing!"


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