Red's Day 3

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No pov~

You flop on the couch and quickly roll to the floor, avoiding Papyrus as he runs to catch you. You laugh loudly as you hop up and run up the stairs and carefully watch Papyrus.

"YOU CANNOT RUN FOREVER HUMAN!! I SHALL CATCH YOU AND YOU SHALL NOT WIN THIS GAME!" You duck under Papyrus' arms and go to run down the stairs only to be grabbed from behind and picked up.

"Pappy! Noooooo!" You giggle as you squirm in his arms. Papyrus chuckles as he sets you down and ruffles your hair. "SEE? I HAVE CAUGHT YOU. NOW, UNFORTUNATELY I MUST GO TO WORK. I SHALL BE BACK BEFORE YOU MUST GO HOME."

You nod and wave goodbye to the tall skeleton and plop down on the couch again. You think back to yesterday's fun.

Nightmare had stayed for breakfast and left a little after, making sure you were okay. You had then talked with Alphys for a good bit and then you and Red had gone off exploring the Underground. For lunch you went to Grillby's and you had met a lot of interesting people. Mettaton was very interesting, Undyne the King's personal gaurd was very energetic, Red had even took you to a door in the woods and introduced you to Toriel.

You had made a bunch of new friends and had a fun, but exhausting day. Since today was your last day you were going to hang out with Red again while Papyrus was at work and play with Papyrus when he gets home.

Speaking of the walking Hot Topic.
Red walks down the stairs, yawning. "*Morning, kid. Pap go to work already?"

You nod and watch as Red walks over to the kitchen to grab leftover breakfast and coffee.

Red flops down at the table and you quickly sit next to him. Red gives you an amused smile and sips his coffee. "*Need something?"

"Can I have some candy? Also I wanted to ask you something." You say, kicking your feet.

Red shrugs. "*Eh, as long as ya don't tell the boss I don't see why not." He mutters, fishing around in his pocket and handing you a hard candy. His amused half smile still on his face. "*Now that ya got some sugar in ya, what's up Sweet-tooth?"

You happily snatch the candy and pop it into your mouth as you think of a way to phrase your question.

Red waits for you to come up with your answer as he starts in his breakfast. As he's eating his food, you finally managed to get your question out. "Why are you working for Papa?"

Red chokes on his food and proceeds to cough for a good minute, trying not to die. "*Geeze, kid! Asking the hard questions!" Red says after a moment.

You shrug and look down at the candy wrapper that you are playing with. "I don't know, it's just... Pappy, and everyone are a bit mean when they first meet you, but after a while they are really nice. Cross, Chara, Killer, Mama Glitch, Dusty, even Papa himself only joined cuz they didn't really have anywhere else to go. You do, so why?"

Red sighs and leans back in his chair, closing his eyes. "*Ya know, yer really smart for a kid. Almost too smart." Red stays like that for a moment before sitting up and keeping his gaze on his food. "*I'll tell ya after breakfast, how about that?"

You nod and quietly hop off the chair and go find something to go do while you wait. You find a jigsaw puzzle and begin work on it with nothing better to do.

After a few minutes you are about half way done with the puzzle when you hear footsteps behind you. "*You're pretty good at that."

You hum as you glance up at Red. "I guess. So, is it story time?" Red chuckles as he nods to your question. You hop up and scurry to the couch where you get comfortable.

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