Error's Day 1

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No pov~

You smile and hug one of your pillows as you wait for your friend for the next three days to come get you. You giggle happily. This is probably the one you've been most excited and curious about.

-----------Last night-------------------------

You sit next to Nightmare, happily eating your dinner. You had a nice long nap earlier that day, so you were unusually energetic for the time of day it is right now.

You could feel a pair of eyes looking at you, so you glance up and your eyes meet with Nightmare's. You smile brightly at him, and he looks away, trying to hide his small smile. "You really are just too cute at times, you know that right moonbeam?" You giggle at Nightmare and give him a big hug. Nightmare rolls his eyes and pats your head.

"Right, might as well mention who's going to be watching (Y/N) tomorrow. Error? Your up."
You glance up at Error who blinks in surprise and nods. You can tell that he seems happy about the outcome.

After you finish your food, Error walks up to you. "HeY kId, I'lL pIcK yOu Up In ThE mOrNiNg." You glance up and tilt your head. "Why? Are we going somewhere?" Error nods. "YeAh, I'm GoInG tO sHoW yOu WhErE i StAy WhEn I'm NoT iN tHe CaStLe." You smile brightly. "Yay! I can't wait!!"


You snap back to the real world when you hear a light knock at your door. "HeY kId, YoU rEaDy To Go?" You spring off your bed and run up to the door. You pull it open and look up at the glitched out skeleton. "Yup!"

Error smiles lightly and nods his head to the side. "CoMe On." You nod and close your door and follow Error as he leads you to the living room. "RiGhT. HeRe ShOuLd Be GoOd." He waves his hand in front of himself and the air seems to ripple and tear itself open in a glitchy way. You stare with wide eyes at the scene before you. "Woooooooahhhh...."

You hear a light chuckle to your right. You look over to see Error looking down at you. "AlRiGhT, iN wE gO." "Where does it go to?" Error tilts his head. "HuH. So I gUeSs YoUr DaD dIdN't ExPlAiN tO yOu AbOuT tHe MuLtIvErSe. WeLl, GuEsS yOu GeT tO lEaRn AbOuT iT fRoM mE. i'Ll TeLl yOu WhAt KiD, i WiLl ExPlAiN eVeRyThInG aFtEr We GeT cOmFy, DeAl?" "Deal!"

And like that you walk into the strange place only to be met with a vast expanse of nothingness. You freeze. No... Not again... You don't want to be stuck here again, all alone, with nothing and no one for forever. You can feel your breath start to pick up. You need to breathe, why can't you breathe? You choke and gasp for breath as You stumble back. Your back hits something but, you can't focus. Your going to be stuck here again and this time Death and Papa will have no way to get to you, you'll be stuck here again. You don't want to be stuck here again, you want to go home and watch TV shows with Killer, you want to play more fun pranks with Dust, you want to get to know Cross, Horror, Black, Red, and Error. And what you want most of all, above anything else; is to be able to sit down and read with Nightmare, play games with him, and just talk about everything and nothing at all.


Error was stuck. The kid walked in and looked around, Error came in after them- portal closing behind him as usual- when the kid suddenly started to freak out. They started to hyperventilate and cry. Error had no idea what to do. When the kid accidentally bumped into his leg, he immediately shut down and had to reboot. When he finally came to, the kid was just curled up and panicking, seemingly lost in their own world. "HeY kId, CaN yA hEaR mE?"


The vast amount of black and your memories of that night running in your head.

"- KiD-"

The endless amount of walking, trying to find an exit.


You can't do it. Not again. You may actually loose yourself this time. You don't want to forget, even if remembering is painful, you don't want to forget.

"K1D! WAK3 UP! YoU'rE fReAkInG mE oUt!"

You blink. You aren't alone? Why is Error with you? Is he stuck too? You look down to see Error shaking you slightly, he seems more glitched out than usual. "E-Err-or?"

Error lets out a breath of relief. "YeAh, It'S mE kId. StArS! YoU hAd Me WoRrIeD fOr A wHiLe ThErE kId."
You shakily wipe away your tears and hug yourself. "S-Sorry..."

Error leans back, putting some distance between you two. His glitching calmed down slightly after he did that. "MiNd TeLlInG mE wHaT tHaT wAs AlL aBoUt?" You let out an involuntary shiver. "Just... Some bad memories... I-I couldn't see anything but white space and it... It reminded me of somewhere I've been before, you know, when I was asleep." Error goes quiet and nods. A look of understanding crosses his face. "WeLl, HoW aBoUt We Go UnIvErSe WaTcHiNg."


You look over the weird universe that Error was showing you. He gave you a quick run down on who the characters were and major plot points. He seems really invested in this UnderNovella.

"Oh! Oh! (Y/N), lOoK! iT's ThE wEdDiNg ScEnE!"

You giggle as you watch Error bounce in place like an excited kid. You cuddle more into the blanket that he found for you and relax into the beanbag chair he had set up. You close your eyes and lean back, a small smile stretching across your face.

You open your eyes when the background noise stopped, and glance over to Error who was looking at you with a serious expression. "RiGhT, sO yOu WaNtEd To KnOw AbOuT tHe MuLtIvErSe, RiGhT? WeLl, Do YoU rEmEmBeR wHeRe YoU gReW uP?" You nod at his words, thinking back to your village.

"ThAt Is YoUr HoMe UnIvErSe. ThE pLaCe WhErE yOu WeRe BoRn AnD bElOnG tO. ThErE aRe MuLtIpLe OtHeR uNiVeRsEs ThAt EaCh HaVe DiFfErEnT bEiNgS aNd DiFfErEnT rUlEs To ThEm." You nod following along.

"ThEsE uNiVeRsEs ArE cAlLeD AlTeRnAtE UnIvErSeS oR AU's fOr ShOrT. ThErE aRe A lOt, AnD I mEaN a LoT oF dIfFeReNt AUs ArOuNd. ThE cOlLeCtIvE mAsS oF AUs aLl ToGeThEr MaKe Up ThE mUlTiVeRsE. NoW tHeRe ArE sPaCeS iN-bEtWeEn AUs CaLlEd tHe VoId oR tHe AnTi VoId. ThE vOiD iS wHeRe EvErY LoSt ThInG oR bEiNg fRoM aN AU fInDs ThEmSeLvEs In. ThEn ThErE's ThE aNtI vOiD wHiCh IsN't OnE pLaCe, BuT tHe SpAcEs In BeTwEeN uNiVeRsEs AnD yOu CaN oNlY rEaCh It Is If YoU aLrEaDy KnOw WhErE iT iS. We ArE iN mY aNtI vOiD rIgHt NoW. EvEn YoUr DaD's CaStLe Is In ItS OwN aNtI vOiD tHaT iS dEcOrAtEd To HiS lIkInG." You nod blinking. "U-Uhm... Mr. Error? I, uh... Is, is the void just endless amounts of black?" Error stares at you in confusion. "YeAh... HoW'd YoU kNoW tHaT kId?"

You look down at your hands and start to play with them. "I think that's where I was stuck in when I was asleep..."

Error closes his eyes in thought. "HeY kId, YoU'rE sCaReD oF gEtTiNg LoSt AnD uS nOt BeInG aBlE tO fInD yOu, r
RiGhT?" You nod. "Yeah..." Error smiles and opens a portal and pulls out a small phone and starts to fiddle with it for a bit before handing it to you. "ThErE yOu ArE, yOuR vErY oWn PhOnE wItH aLl Of OuR pHoNe NuMbErS iN It. No MaTtEr WhErE yOu ArE yOu'Ll Be AbLe To CoNtAcT uS."

You gently take the phone from Error, a wide smile on your face. "Thank you so much Mr. Error." Error gives you a small smile. "DoN't MeNtIoN iT kId."

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