Chapter 12

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Ariana's POV

As soon as I entered my apartment I got a call from a number that's not saved in my phone but I can never unsee this number. I'm too familiar with this number. How can I not after all this person is going to dictate the rest of my life if I couldn't pay back the money.

"Hello", I said softly so that he wouldn't be able to know of the good thing that just happened with me. I like to keep him under this delusion that I'm broke so that he'll be lenient with the payback policy and that deal.

"Come downstairs, I'm waiting" his voice was so cold that even the hell fire would freeze itself. And why did he come. Something came to my brain and I quickly checked the date; yeah it's the 9th of the month.

"I just came home; wait in the nearby café, I will meet you in half an hour." I said

"Why" his voice sounded irritated.
Holy moly I agitated that devil.
"I've to call in for late arrival in the library I work at,  and I also have to give my books and other stationeries and take a shower. So could you please wait a little bit for me." I went on and on without even taking a break, and I almost forgot to breath. That's how much nervousness he makes me feel.
"Fine, but I won't wait more that 30 minutes. After that I will directly come to your apartment then you could decide what would you say to your roommate." He responded.
"Okay" I said in a small voice.

"Your time will start as soon as I cut the call Amore, don't make your husband wait like this" his tone would sound like a normal thing to normal people but we are not normal and relationship is not normal. For me those sentences he uttered just now are threats and warnings.

Instead of doing my regular chores I took a quick shower and went to that small café to meet him. As soon as I entered the café the sweet smell of breads and coffee hit my nostrils; for a second I totally forgot about the situation I'll be landing in the next two hours. I took a deep lengthy breath and exhaled the tension that was building up inside me. I felt really better and less nervous but that emotion couldn't last long inside me because my eyes were seeing a certain person that was going to bore for the next two hours.
There he was sitting in the corner table of the café with all his glory.

I approached him and greeted him respectfully.

"Hey, how are you doing?" I said with a small smile and be seated myself opposite him.

Not a single person I know off could intimidate me but when it comes to this man I'll always run down the hills just to hide from him. Well let's introduce the guy who I've been talking about this whole time.

He is the man from whom my adoptive parents took money from, since be couldn't pay them back they reached into this decision of trading me  instead of paying the money back.

"Hey my sweet little wife", he taunted me with a smirk on his face. That's what he always does. He knows such endearments  irritates me the most and that's why he speaks like that with me. "So, how is your life away from my so-called clutches?" He asked.
"Really food! after all noone's hovering over me. But I couldn't arrange the money yet." I answered back
"But I'll soon arrange them, you see I also got a job; please gimme some more time and pay you back." I continued.
"Nope, you're not getting more that the end of the next month,"
"Please!" I literally pleaded to him.
"Honey let me give you a suggestion, instead of saving up money to pay me back spend them like there's no tomorrow because you'll not be able to earn half a million that easily and as long as I'm alive I'll not let you earn the money so that you could be my wife." He said with a winning smirk on his face.
"Please Jade, I beg you" I pleaded again.
"Oh honey you'll be beg for me again and again when you'll be under me I the bed" He winked as he said that.
That bastard!

"My sweet baby, instead of trying to earn some dimes take some from me and enjoy these last few days of your freedom, because afterwards you'll be living like a queen in my Persian chateau." He added on. He may sound playful but he is nothing like that but a delusion he's creating to look like a gentleman in love. My ass!!!

"You know you could have any woman as your wife, why want me? You bed different women every night, ask one of them to marry you. Please don't do this to me. I will not be able to live with myself like that. I'll die." I finished saying my part.

I've never said out my mind in front of him before this. Only the almighty knows from where did I get this determination.
" From where did you get such audacity to speak like that to me" He almost shouted
He took a deep breath and continued in a much deeper and dangerous tone.
"Once you age twenty two I'll come back and take you with me, and at that time you will get no chance to even say your last good bye. Ooh and I'm not pursuing just for the money. You're worth is much much more that just half a million. You're even worth more then my immortality." He whispered in my ear and left.

How the hell he changed like that? From an angered beast to a serious sensible guy. I've never seen him like that before.

What does he mean by that? That I'm worth then his immortality. Did he just said immortality, no that's not possible, I obviously heard it wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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