Chapter 11

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Ariana's POV

After talking to this Ashton guy, my hopes are even higher. Maybe I can earn enough money to get myself out of that mess created by my so-called family. How can someone do that to their own children, yeah right no one. And they thought they could do that because I was an adopted child. Seriously that's how they want me to repay them for the food, clothes and education they've provided for me.
But I'm not as easy as they think of me. That's where they went wrong, they thought they could control me but no they can't-I'll never let them do that sort of injustice towards me-I will fight for myself and my happiness till my last breath.
My train of thoughts was broken by Sara, "A million dollars for your thoughts?"
"It's penny not million dollars Sara"
I said in a bird tone.
"When it's your thoughts we are talking about it's always worth millions dollars." Her response bought a smile to my face.
"Nah, nothing much just wondering what it would be like to have a holiday without any problems, but alas I never got to enjoy one. Always have had to work on my holidays to save up money"
"Don't worry babe, how about I take you out this spring break with me and my cousins. We're planning to visit our grandparents." She said
"I would love to go with you" I answered.
"I may get a job if that guy it willing to keep me an intern in his company" I added.
  "Which guy?" She asked.
"That Ashton guy from the event" I
"Girllll you got a jackpot!!!" She exclaimed.
"They own a multimillion dollar company!"
"Let's see what happens, I'll be meeting him at twelve o'clock," I said lazily.
"Bitch it's already ten o'clock!"
"The fuck Sara! You could have told me earlier!"
Damn now he'll think I'm not punctual and won't give me the job.

I finished bathing in like fifteen minutes and ran off the door. I could hear Sara laughing as I run down the stairs. That fucking woman got me late for my interview.

                      At the cafe
"Hey! I'm over here" someone called out loud; that voice sounds familiar so I turned towards that voice, and there he was sitting. I approached him and took my seat in front of him.
"Hi, it's nice meeting you again; hope you're doing good." I started the conversation.
"Ooh! I'm great; you tell me how've you been doing?" He asked
"I'm fine." I answered
"So let's not delay much and get to business; so do you have any working experience in multinationals." He asked.

"Umm no, all the things I know are just textbook theories. No work experience. But I'm willing to learn and since I'm still a newbie, you can teach me all the things according to your companies' needs. You know there's this saying that a newbie is like a chunk of wet clay; you can mold it to your liking but once it hardens, you'll not be able to change it accordingly and even if you try, it will break. So, I believe I'm like that wet clay, still flexible that you can mold it as your liking." I finished my small speech.

Damn that was a lot of nuisance I just made up and vomited in front of him; I just hope he buys it.

" You are cunningly smart with an innocent face, don't think that I'm flirting, just stating facts. You have great manipulating skills, and that will come in handy." He said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Now what the fuck is he pondering about, I just hope I get the job. I know this little smart mouth of mine always lands me in trouble but today's an exception. Hehe
"So Miss Tyson tell me something about your life; do you have a boyfriend or any fiancé?" He asked
"Well I just want to know about it because I've seen that usually single don't remain single in the company they start dating. I myself is an example; I've found my wife when I was only an apprentice in my uncle's firm." He looked really happy while talking about his wife.
"No sir, I'm not interested in getting involved with somebody for the next couple of years; I'm content with myself being single right now and I'm still too young to think about it." I said with a grinning face.
"Well there's also a saying that NEVER SAY NEVER because you haven't seen the future." He said with a grinning face and winked at me.
"So, I think that's it and I will leave first; I've got to be present in the library for the new shipment of books. I explained so that he doesn't think I'm rude.
"Sure, go ahead." He said
So I started grabbing my things and gave him a small smile and proceeded towards the door.
"And Miss Tyson, please give a resignation letter to your library by the end of the weak because you'll be reporting to me in the next Monday."
He said with a genuine smile in his face.

"Thank a lot sir? I will try to live up to your expectations." I responded with a grateful smile in my face and left the café.

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