Chapter 6

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Ariana's POV

The tension in the room was so thick that I could have cut with a knife then savor it with some cheese and sauce. Just joking! But seriously it was awkward, none of them were asking me questions.

So I cleared my throat to get their attention.

"Ohh yes!" Ashton said to clear out the awkwardness then the other one asked, "Tell us something about yourself."
Damn he sounds like a Greek God, although I never heard one of them but I can challenge it, that this guy sounds better.

'Shut it brain you can't be distracted.' I scolded myself and looked up to their eyes to see them amused.

"Well hello there, well I'm Ariana K Tyson, as I've said earlier and I'm a transfer student. I plan to finish my graduation in accounting then find some decent job to work fo nearly 5 years then start my own business with the gained knowledge. Well that's all I've planned for now." I finished.

   "Well all these are the basics tell us the insane dreams you see that you want to fulfill, as in flying rocket! You know what I mean right?" He exclaimed.

Yeah guys I don't have any exciting dreams like flying rocket or make a any technical invention, I'm basic and my fantasies are to explore history.

"Well I wanted to study and research more about the archeology and history department. I want to investigate the things we've read as children are true or not. Or work out the myths and write about them. Then you might ask why am I studying accounting? Well  that's because my dad wanted me to be a grad in accounting."

Yes that is his dream for me. And as the obedient kid that I'm, I'm working my ass off to fulfill it. But I don't say that out loud, then why am I saying that to these strangers? Somehow they are giving me that homely feeling, or that feeling where we feel like this is our  safe house and no one can harm us.

That's very awkward to think about them, people would probably think I'm actually a slut. But still this homely feeling lingers in my mind. Cut the crap gal you're crushing on that unapologetically handsome hunk! I said to myself. But this things couldn't get through me earlier that why now. Why do I feel that he is here for me? Why is he giving me lovesick eyes? Why is he making me feel shits that I'm not allowed to feel? Why? '
       Okay I get it I'm going mad,soon I'll be shifted to a mental asylum!'

"You're quite a talker, you've got a attitude to tackle those arrogant pricks. But it's saddening to know that you're living on you dad's terms. A sweetheart like you deserve to fulfill her dreams." Ashton finished with a small smile.

"The job that you're talking about, well  I can help with that. There you go that's my number, call me if you need the job" That man of a Greek God just offered me a fucking job! I pinched myself hard enough to make an ouch sound, so they got concerned and asked what happened. So when I told them that I pinched myself to believe if it actually true or not, they started laughing heartily.

Okay if his voice was godly then I can explain does his laugh sounds like. I have actually lost it! Hold your horses Kate. I'm sure that I look like a lovesick puppy the way I'm eye-raping him. Well he haven't noticed yet, and thank God for that. I seriously should get out of here before I embarrass myself by getting caught up in my drooling over him.

" Okay So it is real and you're offering me a job?" I asked just to be sure.
"Yeah I'm serious, I need an outgoing personal secretary and presenter who could talk confidently and answer back by keeping constant eye contact. Basically how you behave naturally is a very rare characteristic and I've seen very few people like you." Chris said.

'Ooooh yeah!! The piece of meat noticed me.' I was doing a happy dance inside my mind.

"Thank you sir for your kindness. And I would love to work for you. I won't get you disappointed." I said with a small smile and dedication in my eyes.

     After that I left the room, "How was that?" Maria asked. "Well I was nervous but it went well." I said with a smile.

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