Chapter 8

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Ariana's POV

Who the heck was that guy?
I know feeling such things all of a sudden is not good for me, my insecurities will never leave me and including someone will worsen the situations even more.
What am I even thinking, a guy like him would never feel for a piece of trash like myself. Not am I only a piece of trash, I'm also fucked up mentally.
   No one is going to mend my life.
Chirpy Ariana died a long time ago, what left is nothing more than a hollow shell.
Even this hollow shell of my heart started beating irregularly in front of him. That was strange, I've never felt like that before. I sure have seen good looking guys in the past but they didn't have personality as captivating as him.
  What's his name again?
       Yeah Chris!    More like the Christmas Eve.
  "Hey!" Someone interrupted my train of thoughts. Now that sounds sexy!

"Yeah, how can I be of any help to you?" I said as I moved around.
    "Can we meet again?" The man of my thoughts just came to life. Even asked me if I wanna meet after this or not. Okay I'm for sure daydreaming. I need to go get help, I'm already seeing him.
   But it seems too good, in fact better than any imagination my almond sized brain could produce.

Okay heat and brain don't get so excited, he's just asking to meet you in person not asking you out so act rational. Don't you dare embarrass in front of this Greek God.
"Yeah sure, I can make time during the lunch break. Would you be able to wait for me that much, I just have one more class." I said trying to sound normal.
    Damn it seems so hard to hide your nervousness. Okay count the chocolate bars in your head and relax, he's just a guy not the grim reaper who came to take your life.
"Okay see you then, just me at the cafe down the road, they sell the best blueberry cheesecake!" He said with a genuine smile. Even his eyes where sparkling.
    Soon he disappeared, someone patted my side and bought me out of my unicorn land.
Tyson come back to reality, don't forget the things that happened earlier. I know but my heart is doing backflips and dancing to my weird heartbeats, and the useless brain should be guiding me to reality but for the first time my heart and brain is going down the same lane. And that's strange because it never happened.
" Let's go, we are already 10 minutes late!" One of my friends screamed from the end of the corridor."

"Okay students, that will be all for now and I'll not be here the next three days for some family emergency so there will be no classes for you guys, and I've already talked to the authorities, this class will no shifted in the last periods so that you could go earlier." After that Mr. Reign took his stuff the left the class.
"Okay guys I'll not be coming to the College cafeteria today I've got something to do."
"Okay then we'll meet again after 3 days we will be leaving the town for some pending work." The elder twin finished saying referring to all of them.
"Oh, I'll miss you" I said with a little pout.
Soon I left the college premises, since I don't have any more classes today.

Before getting inside the cafe one thought crossed my mind, is he going to play around with me, just because I find him attractive. Being used by someone is the worst feeling. I've already gone through it quite a few times in the past few years.
God why does this always have to happen with me. Okay Ari control your emotions and just don't let him break through the walls. That would do the work.

     After giving myself the pep talk I entered the homely cafè.

"Hey!" He called out for me.

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